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Quartus Prime Software

  1. Download Quartus Software
  2. Run installer executable <product>-<version>.exe (e.g. QuartusLiteSetup-
    1. Follow the instructions of the installation wizard
  3. Download device support you need
    1. Available device support for Quartus Prime Edition 20.4: → Individual Files → Devices
      • Agliex (license required)
      • Arria 10 (license required)
      • Cyclone 10 GX (free, no license file required)
      • Diamond Mesa (license required)
      • Stratix 10 (license required)
    2. Available device support for Quartus Prime Edition 20.1.1 (free) : → Individual Files → Devices
      • Arria II
      • Cyclone IV
      • Cyclone 10 LP
      • Cyclone V
      • MAX II, MAX V
      • MAX 10 FPGA
  4. Launch Device Installer from WIndows Start Menu
    1. Follow the instructions of the device installer wizard
  5. Install Arrow USB Blaster driver for Trenz boards: Arrow USB Programmer


NIos II EDS is included in Quartus Prime software, but there are additional requirements for using it:

  • Installing Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)
  • Installing Eclipse IDE into Nios II EDS

Install Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL):

  • Note:
    • Windows* 10 build version 16215.0 or higher is the recommended operating system version.
    • Install only WSL1. WSL2 is not supported by Nios II EDS.


For more information see: 

Install Eclipse IDE into Nios II EDS:

Eclipse IDE must be installed manually as it is not included in Quartus Prime software.


For more information see:

Linux Ubuntu 20.04 LTS


Quartus Prime Software

  1. Open Terminal and install
  2. Install required libraries:
    • sudo add-apt-get install libc6:i386repository ppa:linuxuprising/libpng12
    • sudo apt-get install libncurses5:i386update
    • sudo apt-get install libc6:i386 libncurses5:i386 libxtst6:i386 sudo apt-get install libxft2:i386 sudo apt-get install libstdc++6:i386 sudo apt-get install libc6-dev-i386
    • sudo apt-get install lib32z1
    • sudo apt-get install lib32ncurses5
    • sudo apt-get install lib32bz2-1.
    • sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linuxuprising/libpng12
    • sudo apt-get update
    • sudo apt-get install libpng12lib32z1 libncurses5:i386 libbz2-1.0:i386 libpng12-0 libqt5xml5 liblzma-dev libcanberra-gtk-module
  3. Download Quartus Software
  4. Run command: chmod +x <download_path>/<product>-<version>.run
  5. Run command: <download_path>/Run installer executable <product>-<version>.exerun (e.g. QuartusLiteSetup-
    1. Follow the instructions of the installation wizard
  6. Download device support you need
    1. Available device support for Quartus Prime Edition 20.4:
      • Agliex (license required)
      • Arria 10 (license required)
      • Cyclone 10 GX (free, no license file required)
      • Diamond Mesa (license required)
      • Stratix 10 (license required)
    2. Available device support for Quartus Prime Edition 20.1.1 (free) :
      • Arria II
      • Cyclone IV
      • Cyclone 10 LP
      • Cyclone V
      • MAX II, MAX V
      • MAX 10 FPGA
  7. Launch Quartus Prime Edition with <installation_directory>/quartus/bin/quartus
  8. Click Tools → Install Devices Device Installer from WIndows Start Menu
    1. Follow the instructions of the device installer wizard
  9. Install Arrow USB Blaster driver for Trenz boards: Arrow USB Programmer


Install Eclipse IDE into Nios II EDS:

Eclipse IDE must be installed manually as it is not included in Quartus Prime software.

  1. Download CDT 8.8.1 which is Eclipse C/C++ IDE for Mars.2:
  2. move downloaded file to <installation_directory>/nios2eds/bin
  3. Extract the downloaded file
    1. gunzip <installation_directory>/nios2eds/bin/eclipse-cpp-mars-2-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz
    2. tar xfv <installation_directory>/nios2eds/bin/eclipse-cpp-mars-2-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar
  4. Rename the extracted <installation_directory>/nios2eds/bin/eclipse folder to <installation_directory>/nios2eds/bin/eclipse_nios2
  5. Extract the existing file "eclipse_nios2_plugins.tar.gz" → the Extraction overrides files in <download_path>/eclipse_nios2
    1. gunzip <installation_directory>/nios2eds/bin/eclipse_nios2_plugins.tar.gz
    2. tar xfv <installation_directory>/nios2eds/bin/eclipse_nios2_plugins.tar
  6. To verfiy the correct extraction you should see<installation_directory>/nios2eds/bin/eclipse_nios2/plugin_customization.ini file
  7. Now you can launch "Nios II Software Build Tools for Eclipse"

For more information see:
