Versions Compared


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Type or FileVersion
Vivado Design Suite2015.4
Trenz Project Scripts2015.4.1213
Trenz <board_series>_board_files.csv1.2
Trenz apps_list.csv



File or DirectoryTypeDescription
<design_name>base directoryBase directory with predefined batch files (*.cmd) to generate or open VIVADO-Project
<design_name>/block_design/sourceScript to generate Block Design in Vivado (*_bd.tcl) 
<design_name>/board_files/sourceLocal board part files repository and a list of available board part files  (<board_series>_board_files.csv)
<design_name>/constraints/sourceProject constrains (*.xdc)
<design_name>/ip_lib/sourceLocal Vivado IP repository
<design_name>/misc/source(Optional) Directory with additional sources
<design_name>/prebuilt/boot_images/prebuiltDirectory with prebuild boot images (*.bin) and configuration files (*.bif) included in subfolders: default or <board_file_shortname>/<app_name>
<design_name>/prebuilt/hardware/prebuiltDirectory with prebuild hardware sources (*.bit, *hdf, *.mcs) and reports included in subfolders: default or <board_file_shortname>
<design_name>/prebuilt/software/prebuilt(Optional) Directory with prebuild software sources (*.elf) included in subfolders: default or <board_file_shortname>/<app_name>
<design_name>/prebuilt/os/prebuilt(Optional) Directory with predefined OS images included in subfolders  <os_name>/<board_file_shortname> or <os_name>/default
<design_name>/scripts/sourceTCL scripts to build a project
<design_name>/software/source(Optional) Directory with additional software
<design_name>/sw_lib/source(Optional) Directory with local SDK/HSI software IP repository and a list of available software (apps_list.csv)
<design_name>/v_log/generatedTemporary directory with vivado log files (used only when vivado is started with predefined command files (*.cmd) from base folder otherwise this logs will be writen into the vivado working directory)
<design_name>/vivado/work, generatedWorking directory where Vivado project is created. Vivado project file is <design_name>.xpr
<design_name>/vivado_lab/work, generated(Optional) Working directory where Vivado LabTools is created. LabTools project file is <design_name>.lpr
<design_name>/workspace/hsiwork, generated(Optional) Directory where hsi project is created
<design_name>/workspace/sdkwork, generated(Optional) Directory where sdk project is created
<design_name>/backup/generated(Optional) Directory for project backups


Windows Command Files

!Delete "<design_name>/v_log/", "<design_name>/vivado/", and "<design_name>/workspace/" directory with related documents!projectnogui

Settings for the other *.cmd files. Following Settings are avaliable:

General Settings:
File NameDescription

Settings for the other *.cmd files. Following Settings are avaliable:

  • General Settings:
    • (optional) Zip Path: Set Path to installed Zip-Program. Currently 7-Zip are supported. IUsed for predefined TCL-function to Backup project.
    • XILDIR: Set Path to the Xilinx Directory (Default: c:\Xilinx).
    • VIVADO_Version: Used to get correct path of Vivado. Is the name of the Vivado Installation in %XILDIR%\vivado\  (Example:2015.4). Don't change Vivado Version.
  • Select Board Part:
    • PARTNUMBER: Select Board part number of the project which should be created. All available Boards are listed in <design_name>/board_files/TExxxx_board_file.csv. You can use  ID,PRODID,BOARDNAME or SHORTNAME from this list.
  • Programming Settings(program_zynqflash.cmd):
    • SWAPP: Select the Software App which should be configured. Use <app_name> from <design_name>/prebuilt/boot_images/<board_file_shortname>/

Hardware Design


Create Project with setting from "start_settings.cmd" and source folders. Vivado GUI will be opened during the process.

Delete "<design_name>/v_log/", "<design_name>/vivado/", and "<design_name>/workspace/" directory with related documents before Projekt will created.


Create Project with setting from "start_settings.cmd" and source folders.

Delete "<design_name>/v_log/", "<design_name>/vivado/", and "<design_name>/workspace/" directory with related documents before Projekt will created.

open_project_gui.cmdOpens an existing Project "<design_name>/vivado/<design_name>.xpr". Delete old "<design_name>/v_log/" before Projekt will opend.
programrun_project_zynqflashnogui.cmd(optional) For Zynq Systems only. Programming Flash Memory with specified Boot.bin. (Same as SDK  "Program Flash"). Used Boot.bin from prebuilt-Folder. It used the boot.bin from: <design_name>/prebuilt/boot_images/<board_file_shortname>/<app_name>. Set <board_file_shortname> and <app_name> in "start_settings.cmd".

Create Project with setting from "start_settings.cmd" and source folders. Build all Vivado hardware and software files if the sources are available.

Delete  "<design_name>/vivado/", and "<design_name>/workspace/hsi/" directory with related documents before Projekt will created.

Software Design
create_prebuilt_sdk.cmd(optional) Create SDK project with hardware definition file from prebuild folder. It used the *.hdf from: <design_name>/prebuilt/hardware/<board_file_shortname>/. Set <board_file_shortname> and <app_name> in "start_settings.cmd".run

Create Project with setting from "start_settings.cmd" and source folders. Build all Vivado hardware and software files if the sources are available.

Delete  "<design_name>/vivado/", and "<design_name>/workspace/hsi/" directory with related documents before Projekt will created.

(optional) For Zynq Systems only. Programming Flash Memory via JTAG with specified Boot.bin. Used SDK Programmer (Same as SDK  "Program Flash") or LabTools Programmer (Vivado or LabTools only), depends on installion settings. It used the boot.bin from: <design_name>/prebuilt/boot_images/<board_file_shortname>/<app_name>. Set <board_file_shortname> and <app_name> in "start_settings.cmd".
program_flash_mcsfile.cmd(optional) For Non-Zynq Systems only. Programming Flash Memory via JTAG with specified <design_name>.mcs. Used LabTools Programmer (Vivado or LabTools only), depends on installion settings. It used the <design_name>.mcs from: <design_name>/prebuilt/hardware/<board_file_shortname>. Set <board_file_shortname> in "start_settings.cmd".
program_fpga_bitfile.cmd(optional)  Programming FPGA via JTAG with specified <design_name>.bit. Used LabTools Programmer (Vivado or LabTools only), depends on installion settings. It used the <design_name>.bit from: <design_name>/prebuilt/hardware/<board_file_shortname>. Set <board_file_shortname> in "start_settings.cmd". Zip Path: Set Path to installed Zip-Program. Currently 7-Zip are supported. IUsed for predefined TCL-function to Backup project.
    • XILDIR: Set Path to the Xilinx Directory (Default: c:\Xilinx).
    • VIVADO_Version: Used to get correct path of Vivado. Is the name of the Vivado Installation in %XILDIR%\vivado\  (Example:2015.4). Don't change Vivado Version.
  • Select Board Part:
    • PARTNUMBER: Select Board part number of the project which should be created. All available Boards are listed in <design_name>/board_files/TExxxx_board_file.csv. You can use  ID,PRODID,BOARDNAME or SHORTNAME from this list.
  • Programming Settings(program_zynqflash.cmd):
    SWAPP: Select the Software App which should be configured. Use <app_name> from <design_name>/prebuilt/boot_images/<board_file_shortname>/

    Create or open an existing Vivado Lab Tools Project. (

    some additional TE-TCL function will be usable in future script versions)

    Additional TCL functions from Programming and Utilities Group are usable).

    clear_project.cmdAttention: Delete "<design_name>/v_log/", "<design_name>/vivado/","<design_name>/vivado_lab/", and "<design_name>/workspace/" directory with related documents!

    Additional TCL functions for usage on Vivado TCL Console
