Versions Compared


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File or DirectoryTypeDescription
<design_name>base directoryBase directory with predefined batch files (*.cmd) to generate or open VIVADO-Project
<design_name>/block_design/sourceScript to generate Block Design in Vivado (*_bd.tcl). (optional) Some board part designs used subfolder <board_file_shortname>  with Board Part specific Block Design (*_bd.tcl).
<design_name>/board_files/sourceLocal board part files repository and a list of available board part files  (<board_series>_board_files.csv)
<design_name>/constraints/sourceProject constrains (*.xdc). Some board part designs used subfolder <board_file_shortname>  with additional constrains (*.xdc)
<design_name>/ip_lib/sourceLocal Vivado IP repository
<design_name>/misc/source(Optional) Directory with additional sources
<design_name>/prebuilt/boot_images/prebuiltDirectory with prebuilt boot images (*.bin) and configuration files (*.bif)  for zynq and configured hardware files (*.bit and *.mcs) for micoblaze included in subfolderssub-folders: default or <board_file_shortname>/<app_name>
<design_name>/prebuilt/hardware/prebuiltDirectory with prebuilt hardware sources (*.bit, *hdf, *.mcs) and reports included in subfolders: default or <board_file_shortname>
<design_name>/prebuilt/software/prebuilt(Optional) Directory with prebuilt software sources (*.elf) included in subfolders: default or <board_file_shortname>/<app_name>
<design_name>/prebuilt/os/prebuilt(Optional) Directory with predefined OS images included in subfolders  <os_name>/<board_file_shortname> or <os_name>/default
<design_name>/scripts/sourceTCL scripts to build a project
<design_name>/settings/source(Optional) Additional design settings: zip_ignore_list.csv, vivado project settings, SDSOC settings
<design_name>/software/source(Optional) Directory with additional software
<design_name>/os/source(Optional) Directory with additional os sources in in subfolders  <os_name>
<design_name>/sw_lib/source(Optional) Directory with local SDK/HSI software IP repository and a list of available software (apps_list.csv)
<design_name>/v_log/generated(Temporary directory ) Directory with vivado log files (used only when vivado Vivado is started with predefined command files (*.cmd) from base folder otherwise this logs will be writen into the vivado working directory)
<design_name>/vivado/work, generated(Temporary) Working directory where Vivado project is created. Vivado project file is <design_name>.xpr
<design_name>/vivado_lab/work, generated(Optional/Temporary) Working directory where Vivado LabTools is created. LabTools project file is <design_name>.lpr
<design_name>/workspace/hsiwork, generated(Optional/Temporary) Directory where hsi project is created
<design_name>/workspace/sdkwork, generated(Optional) Directory where sdk project is created
<design_name>/sdsocwork, generated(Optional) Directory where SDSOC project is created
<design_name>/backup/generated(Optional) Directory for project backups


NameOptionsDescription (Default Configuration)
TE::help Display currently available functions. Important: Use only displayed functions and no functions from sub-namespaces 
Hardware Design
TE::hw_blockdesign_export_tcl[-no_mig_contents] [-no_validate] [-mod_tcl] [-svntxt <arg>]  [-board_part_only] [-help]Export Blockdesign Block Design to project folder <design_name>/block_design/ . Old *bd.tcl will be overwritten!
TE::hw_build_design[-export_prebuilt] [-export_prebuilt_only] [-help]Run Synthese, Implement, and generate BitfileBit-file, optional MCSfile MCS-file and some report files
Software Design
TE::sw_run_hsi[-run_only] [-prebuilt_hdf <arg>] [-no_hsi] [-no_bif] [-no_bin] [-no_bitmcs] [-clear] [-help]

Copies current Hardware files and reports from the vivado project to the prebuilt folder, if -prebuild_hdf <arg> isn't set.
Copy the Hardware Defintition file to the working directory:<design_name>/workspace/hsi
Run HSI in <design_name>/workspace/hsi for all Programes listed in <design_name>/sw_lib/apps_list.csv
If HSI is finished, BIF-GEN and BIN-Gen are running for these Apps in the prepuilt folders <design_name>/prebuilt/...
You can deactivate different steps with following args :

  • -no_hsi  : *.elf filesgeneration is disabled
  • -no_bif   : *.bif files generation is disabled
  • -no_bin  : *.bin files generation is disabled
  • -no_bitmcs: *.bit and *.mcs file (with software design) is disabled
TE::sw_run_sdk[-open_only] [-update_hdf_only] [-prebuilt_hdf <arg>] [-clear] [-help]

Copies current Hardware files and reports from the vivado project to the prebuilt folder, if -prebuild_hdf <arg> isn't set.
Copy the Hardware Defintition file to the working directory:<design_name>/workspace/sdk
Start SDK GUI in this workspace

TE::pr_init_hardware_manager[-help]Open Hardwaremanager, autoconnect target device and initialise flash memory with configuration from *_board_files.csv.
TE::pr_program_jtag_bitfile[-used_board <arg>] [-swapp <arg>] [-available_apps] [-used_basefolder_bitfile] [-help]

Copies current Hardware files and reports from the vivado project to the prebuilt folder, if -used_board <arg> isn't set (Vivado only).
Programming Bitfile from <design_name>/prebuilt/hardware/<board_file_shortname> to the fpga device.
If "-used_basefolder_bitfile" is set, the Bitfile (*.bit)  from the base folder (<design_name>) is used instead of the prebuilts. Attention: Take only one Bitfile in the basefolder!

(MicroBlaze only) If "-swapp" is set, the Bitfile with *.elf configuration is used from <design_name>/prebuilt/boot_images/<board_file_shortname>/<app_name>

TE::pr_program_flash_binfile[-no_reboot] [-used_board <arg>] [-swapp <arg>] [-available_apps] [-force_hw_manager] [-used_basefolder_binfile] [-help]

Attention: For Zynq Systems only!
Program the Bootbin from <design_name>/prebuilt/boot_images/<board_file_shortname>/<app_name> to the fpga device.
Appname is selected with: -swapp <app_name>
After programming device reboot from memory will be done.
Default SDK Programmer is used, if not available LabTools Programmer is used.
If "-used_basefolder_binfile" is set, the Binfile (*.bin)  from the base folder (<design_name>) is used instead of the prebuilts. Attention: Take only one Binfile in the basefolder!

TE::pr_program_flash_mcsfile[-no_reboot] [-used_board <arg>] [-swapp <arg>] [-available_apps] [-used_basefolder_mcsfile] [-help]

Copies current Hardware files and reports from the vivado project to the prebuilt folder, if -used_board <arg> isn't set (Vivado only).
Initialise flash memory with configuration from *_board_files.csv
Programming  MCSfile from <design_name>/prebuilt/hardware/<board_file_shortname> to the Flash Device.
After programming device reboot from memory will be done.
If "-used_basefolder_binfile" is set, the MCSfile (*.mcs)  from the base folder (<design_name>) is used instead of  the prebuilts. Attention: Take only one MCSfile in the basefolder!

(MicroBlaze only) If "-swapp" is set, the MCSfile with *.elf configuration is used from <design_name>/prebuilt/boot_images/<board_file_shortname>/<app_name>

TE::util_zip_project[-save_all] [-remove_prebuilt] [-manual_filename <arg>] [-help]

Make a Backup from your Project in <design_name>/backup/

Zip-Program Variable must be set in start_settings.cmd. Currently only 7-Zip is supported.

Beta Test (Advanced usage only!)
TE::ADV::beta_util_sdsoc_project[-check_only] [-start_sdsoc_only] [-help]

Create SDSOC-Workspace. Currently only on some Reference-Designs available. Run [-check_only] option to check SDSOC ready state.

TE::ADV::beta_hw_remove_board_part[-permanent] [-help]Reconfigure Vivado project as project without board part. Generate XDC-File from board part IO definitions and change ip board part properties. No all IPs are supported.
TE::ADV::beta_hw_export_rtl_ip\[-help\]Save IPs used on rtl designs as  *.xci in  <design_name>hdl/xci. If sub folder  <board_file_shortname> is defined this will be saved there.


Design Environment: Usage
