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working in process .... coming soon

Table of content

Table of Contents


  • Scripts generate Platform with the given article name of the project. The overview window will not closed by default in this case, please close or minimise this vitis tab().
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To create all manually see subsections below.

Create XSA with Vivado

This step must be done with Vivado. Synthesis (for xsa without bitstream) or implementation/bitstream step (for xsa with bitstream) must be done before.

  • File→ Export Hardware...
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Include local repositories


  1. On Welcome Window press "Create Platform Project" or "File → New Platform Project"
  2. Add name:
  3. Select Create from XSA
  4. Select XSA File
    Depending on usage: Change Operating system or Processor
    Recommended: Select Generate Boot components, which generates fsbl for Zynq or ZynqMP devices and pmufw for ZynqMP as separate domain into the Platform project


Add new domain:

  1. Open Platform Editor (Right click on the Platform project in the Assistant Window)
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  2. Add Domain (go the the Platform Editor Window)
  3. Specify Name and Select OS, Processor and supported runtime:

    Note: for Linux additional files must be add (BIF, boot files(u-boot.elf for Zynq and ZynqMP, atf firmware (bl31.elf) for ZynqMP) and linux image (image.ub) from petalinux,)
  4. Domain will be generated and can be selected for applications:


Domain BSP modification are need to add for example Xilinx libs to the or modify BSP setup

  1. On Platform Editor got the the Board Support Package of the Domain which should be modified and press "Modify BSP Settings..."
  2. Add need drivers or change default BSP setup


  1. Right click on the platform project  and pes "Update hardware Specification"

    Note: if update works depends on the changes in the XSA file(your Vivado PS setup), ins saver to create a new vitis platform project with the new XSA!

Baremetal Software Application

Create Application

Build Application

Debug Software Example


Build Platform Project

  1. Right click on the platform project in the Explore Window and press "Build Project" or "Clean Project" to generate/regenerate the platform project elf files
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Bare-metal Software Application

Applications which are provided with the reference designs, can be generated directly with vivado. After implementation/bitstream generation run on Vivado TCL console: TE::sw_run_vitis -all

  • Scripts generate Platform and application which are defined in  <reference design base folder>\sw_lib\apps-list.csv. The overview window will not closed by default in this case, please close or minimise this vitis tab(Image Added).

Bare-metal application need a stand-alone domain, which must be generated at first (see last domain chapter). Stand-alone domain will be generated default with platform generation.

For manual bare metal project generation, see subsections below.

Create Application

  1. Right click on the platform project in the Explore window or "File → New Application Project"
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  2. Set Name:
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  3. Select Platform
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  4. Select Domain (shows only generated domains) and language
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  5. Select application
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    Note: In case application needs some Xilinx libaries,, add these libraries to the domain BSP before you try to generate the application

Build Application

Important: Build Platform Project, in case it's not done before

  1. Select the project in the Explore Window and change active configuration( Debug or Release Build) and build design
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  2. To build selected configuration again, use build symbol or right click on the application project in the Explore Window and press "Build Project" or "Clean Project" to generate/regenerate the application project elf files
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  3. elf file will be generated in the corresponding release/debug folder
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Debug Software Example

working in process .... coming soon

Create Boot Files

working in process .... coming soon




Linux Software Application

Linux application need a linux domain, which must be generated at first (see domain chapter).  Reference Designs, which includes linux, generate a linux domain after Vitis project generation with vivado. After implementation/bitstream generation run on Vivado TCL console: TE::sw_run_vitis

  • Scripts generate Platform and application which are defined in  <reference design base folder>\sw_lib\apps-list.csv. The overview window will not closed by default in this case, please close or minimise this vitis tab(Image Added).

For manual linux project generation, see subsections below.

working in process .... coming soon

Create Application

working in process .... coming soon

Build Application

working in process .... coming soon

Debug Software Example

working in process .... coming soon

Create Boot Files

working in process .... coming soon




