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Reference Architecture


Update the XPS project (add more than 10 images)

The reference architecture can be tested in two ways:

  • USB communication tests + DMA tests
  • full test (USB communication tests + DMA tests + other tests)

JTAG and USB connections

Two types of connections are available:

  • USB connection (USB (host computer) ↔ USB (TE USB FX2 module))
  • JTAG connection (normally a JTAG adapter cable; we recommend using the Xilinx Platform Cable USB (USB (host computer) ↔ JTAG (TE USB FX2 module)) ;

Xilinx EDK/SDK and iMPACT (or equivalent XMD console commands) could be used to develop/generate an FPGA bitstream (with MicroBlaze's processor and software "merged" into an FPGA bitstream). When the FPGA bitstream is ready, either the USB or JTAG connection could be used to write the SPI Flash memory of the TE USB FX2 module (i.e. download the FPGA bitstream into the SPI Flash memory).

The JTAG connection could also be used to directly download the FPGA bitstream into the FPGA without the need of a reset.

The JTAG connection could be used with Xilinx EDK and SDK GUIs for development and debug purposes; XMD console could also be used.

The USB connection CANNOT be used with Xilinx EDK and SDK GUIs for development and debug purposes. The USB connection should be used after the development and debug process.

With a JTAG connection, the development and debug phases are easier.
Without a JTAG connection, the user/developer should create/use custom functions/programs for the debug phase but some JTAG debug features may not be easily replicated through a USB connection.

USB communication tests + DMA tests only

Use of JTAG connection is NOT necessary.

To test the USB communication in the Reference Architecture case is necessary:

  • to download the correct reference bitstream file in the FPGA and/or SPI Flash;
  • the USB FX2 microcontroller on the TE USB FX2 module should contain valid firmware;
  • the host computer should have a specific driver installed;
  • a USB cable should be used to connect the PC and the FPGA module (USB communication tests and/or power supply);
  • run the C# or C++ Reference Project test.

For an example see here.

Full test

Use of JTAG connection is necessary.

To completely test the Reference Architecture is necessary:

  • to download the bitstream file (that create the Microblaze system) and the demo.elf file or to be certain that this two are already downloaded before;
  • the USB FX2 microcontroller on the TE USB FX2 module should contain valid firmware;
  • the host computer should have a specific driver installed;
  • the host computer should have Xilinx EDK installed;
  • a JTAG adapter cable. We recommend using the Xilinx Platform Cable USB (USB ↔ JTAG) ;
  • a USB cable should be used to connect the PC and the FPGA module (USB communication tests and/or power supply);
  • run the C# or C++ Reference Project test (USB communication tests + DMA tests). 

The procedures are the following (a TE0300 board case is described).

.bit or .mcs direct download

iMPACT, OpenFut or OpenFutNet

Procedure SDK: opening and update SDK project only
('updated' SW on 'NOT updated' HW)

Compile and link time less than 1 minute.

Procedure XPS+SDK: opening and update both XPS and SDK projects
('updated' SW on 'updated' HW')

Resynthesis of reference HW could take from 10 minutes to 1 hour(1)


Copy IP Cores and drivers used in TE reference projects

Skip.Skip.Update XPS project from an old version to a new one

Export the HW design to SDK

Skip.Open SDK project and (if needed) update the SDK project from an old version to a new oneRecreate SDK project using the new exported HW project
Skip.Generate a new link script
Download the reference bitstream to the FPGA using iMPACT, Open_FUT or OpenFutNetDownload the reference bitstream to the FPGA using SDK
Skip.Run the demo project to run on board tests
Check the fiirmware of FX2 microcontroler
USB communication tests + DMA tests

(1) It depends on which computer is used (workstation, regular PC or low-end PC).


For old version of Xilinx EDK with older version of Project Reference (they do no longer exist on GitHub) the procedure is the folowing

  • Open the project by double-clicking on the system.xmp file. The Xilinx Platform Studio is opened.
  • If you open the project with a new version of Xilinx XPS, the tool will try to update all the components of MicroBlaze system. In some case it is not possible to refuse the update.
  • To compile the project press the "Download Bitstream to the FPGA" button.
  • If the HDL design was successfully implemented and downloaded to the TE USB FX2 module, you can proceed to compile the MB software. Press the "build all user applications" button.

Copy IP Cores and drivers used in TE reference projects

To use the "demo" application contained in TE0xxx-Reference-Designs\reference-TE0xxx\SDK\SDK_Workspace, you should : (1) copy GitHub's "TE-EDK-IP" folder (from to the folder that contains the folder "reference-TE0xxx":

  1. C:\XilinxProject, if you have copied the folder "TE0xxx-Reference-Designs\reference-TE0xxx" to "C:\XilinxProject" ( "C:\XilinxProject\reference-TE0xxx" and "C:\XilinxProject\TE-EDK-IP");
  2. otherwise you must copy the contents of GitHub's 'TE-EDK-IP' folder inside the already existent empty folder "TE0xxx-Reference-Designs\TE-EDK-IP".

  3. Tip

    From now on, the choice (a) is assumed.

You should not alter folder nesting (double nesting) because is a Xilinx Platform Studio requirements




titleChoice assumed in this step and in the following ones.

From now on, the choice (1) is assumed.

Check the firmware of FX2 microcontroler

The FX2 microcontroller on the TE USB FX2 module

You should not alter folder nesting or select MyProcessorIPLib because double nesting of folders is a Xilinx Platform Studio requirements
  • after this selection the XPS should appear like in this image.
  • now you can cancel (or move in another folder) the content of TE0xxx-Reference-Designs\reference-TE0xxx\SDK\SDK_Export
  • now you can copy all .c and .h files from TE0xxx-Reference-Designs\reference-TE0xxx\SDK\SDK_Workspace\demo\src in a temporary folder (C:\demo_src_TE for example)
  • now you can cancel all files and folders from TE0xxx-Reference-Designs\reference-TE0xxx\SDK\SDK_Workspace
  • to compile the project you must click "Project" and then "Export Hardware Design to SDK..."
The HW implementation usually takes some time; if you have a very slow computer, the new synthesis could require an hour.

Update the SDK project (add more than 10 images)

When Xilinx SDK open, you should:


should contain valid firmware before proceeding.

  • If the FX2 microcontroller has not been programmed before, please follow the instructions in the ????? family User Manualshere and here. You can use Cypress, Python OpenFut or C# OpenFutNet programs.
  • If you are sure that the FX2 microcontroller is properly connected, you can connect to the TE0300/TE0320/TE0630 TE USB FX2 module with a JTAG adapter cable. We recommend using the Xilinx Platform Cable USB.
  • Then connect the TE0300/TE0320/TE0630 module to a USB cable.

If the HDL design was successfully implemented and downloaded to the TE0300/TE0320/TE0630 family module, you can proceed to compile the MB software. Press the "build all user applications" button.

Run the demo project

Demo program (running on MicroBlaze) will work even in case the UART port is left unconnected: it is not necessary to use a USB/Uart converter or Uart port on a PC, if you are using XMD UART HDL block.

Use the demo project with the XMD UART



The UART settings are:
bits per seconds: 115,200
data bits: 8
parity: none
stop bits: 1
flow control: none (otherwise you will not be able to enter commands)
The UART port will output something of tis kind:
-Entering main TE0300 DEMO ver 0x07010218-
Setting up Interrupt Controller:
Initialize exception handling
Register external interrupt handler
Register I2C_SLAVE interrupt handler
Enable interrupts in the interrupt controller
Start the interrupt controller
Enabling and initializing instruction cache
Enabling and initializing data cache
'a' RAM test
'f' RAM Ftest
'c' toggles caching
'g' prints switches state and board revision
't' starts TX transmission
'r' starts RX transmission
's' stops all transmissions
'm' for the redraw menu
MicroBlaze will work even in case the UART port is left unconnected.

Use the demo project without the XMD UART

To use the demo project without the XMD UART, you need to use "RS232" instead of "debug_module" as standard in/out port. Otherwise the application running on the Microblaze processor freezes if you disconnect the XMD. To accomplish that you need to set up the Microblaze "Software Platform Settings".

  • In the dialog window select "OS and libraries" in the left window and pick "RS232" as a stdout and stdin interface.
  • Then rebuild the software and download again the project to the FPGA.

The UART is then redirected to external pins, which are defined in the data/system.ucf file. The following snippet shows the case of the TE0300 series modules:

Module RS232 constraints*
Net fpga_0_RS232_RX_pin LOC=B13;
Net fpga_0_RS232_TX_pin LOC=B14;
Please refer to Table 1 for other module series relevant to this application note.


TE series

FPGA ball

module pin

FPGA ball

module pin

















It doesn't apply


It doesn't apply



It doesn't apply


It doesn't apply


host (PC)





Table 1: location of UART pins examples.


  • TE USB FX2 module to a USB cable.