Page History
Warning |
Modules produced after June 2020 are no longer compatible with the older drivers. Please install driver version 2.4 or newer See also driver revision change history: Revisionchangehistory 70156298 |
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- During the enumeration process, the FTDI USB controller performs a reset. Depending on the hardware used, this might remove the power from the FPGA and therefore might erase the contents of the FPGA.
Revision change history
- 2.4 to 2.4.1 (LinuxOS driver only)
- Changed line 49 in README file: "ATTR{interface}=="Arrow USB Blaster",\" to "ATTR{interface}=="Arrow USB Blaster*",\"
2.3 to 2.4
Bug fix. Adding or removing programmer hardware after JTAG server (re-)startcould lead to a mix-up of ports. Furthermore, devices not longer connected could still be displayed in Quartus programmer.
The port name in Quartus programmer is not USBx anymore but the FTDI USB Serial Number, e.g. AR1G48Z5 or 498069.
- For modules which will be produced after June 2020:
FTDI serial number consists of prefix AR and module serial number which is also displayed on the sticker with QR code on the board. Also Module Series name is shown in Quartus:
Expand title Quartus Beispiel... - FTDI serial number of the DAQ modules consits of prefix AD module serial number which is also displayed on the sticker with QR code on the board. Also Module Series name is not shown in Quartus at the moment (this feature will be enabled later for this series)
2.2 to 2.3
- winOS: add32 bit version of FTDI USB driver
- LinuxOS:
- rules file removed
- readme explains basics about VCP issue
2.1 to 2.2
the frequency of the JTAG clock TCK can be set and queried via the command line tool jtagconfig from Intel
the standard TCK frequency is 20 MHz instead of 6 MHz
it is now possible to program non-volatile keys into an FPGA
In the Windows version, the current USB drivers of FTDI are copied to the installation directory.
In the Linux Version, new installation description and rules file