Page History
Affected Product | Replacement | Note |
TEI0003-02 | TEI0003-03-QFCR1A TEI0003-03-QFCR4A | Variant QFCR1A uses the same EOL flash as TEI0003-02. This variant can be ordered as long this flash is available and is EOL afterwards. Then, variant QFCR4A is the successor. |
#1 Added option to use either SPI Flash EPCQ16SI8N / EPCQ16ASI8N (U5) or SPI Flash W25Q64JVSSIQ (U12).
Type: Schematic Change
Reason: EOL of EPCQ SPI Flash.
Impact: Different memory Memory sizes and frequencies are available. TEI0003-03-QFCR1A used the EPCQ memory. Therefore, the size is the same. But TEI0003-03-QFCR4A used a different memory with a bigger size. The replacement TEI0003-03-QFCR1A is only usable as long as components are available. Afterwards, only TEI0003-03-QFCR4A is usabledependent on the used variant.
#2 Changed ferrid bead LI0402E300R-10 to MPZ0603S121HT000 for L1, L2, L3, and L4.
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