Table of contents

CPLD Access  

  • Module B2B Connector: MAX10 CPLD U46 is available over J2 Pins:
    • D56 TCK
    • D57 TMS
    • D58 TDO
    • D59 TDI
  • With TEBT0865 Carrier:
    • Connect Intel TEI0004 Programmer on J17  over USB with PC
    • Power on TEBT0865
    • Open Intel Quartus Programmer software and follow General programming instructions below.

Available CPLD Firmware


  • TE0865/<PCB Revision>/Firmware/
    • Use files from the subfolders of your PCB revision

General instructions

MAX 10 Firmware Update - General Requirements

  • Quartus Prime software, available for free (lite version) on
  • Arrow USB Programmer Driver
  • Quartus compatible JTAG programmer, for example:
    • TEI0004 - Arrow USB Programmer2 or carrier board with FTDI for JTAG
    • Other JTAG Programmer compatible with Quartus Programmer
  • JTAG must be connected to FPGA JTAG
  • Correct Firmware (*.pof file) from Download area

MAX 10 Firmware Update - General Procedure


  • Connect only one JTAG device to host PC.
  • Close all other JTAG programs.


  1. Enable FPGA JTAG access (see JTAG section on Firmware description)
  2. Connect JTAG
  3. Power on system
  4. Open Quartus Prime
  5. Open Quartus Programmer from top menu: Tools → Programmer
  6. Select from Programmer top menu: Edit → Hardware Setup
  7. Select via the drop down menu: Arrow-USB-Blaster [USB0] (Installation of Arrow USB Programmer needed) and close the window
  8. Click Add File...
  9. Select correct Firmware from Download area and press Open
  10. Click Start to program the device

More information are available on the Firmware description.

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