Double click "set_0xxx_project.bat" to select the corresponding FPGA mounted on TE USB FX2 module.

Double click the "system.xmp" in "C:\XilinxProject\reference-TE0xxx".

The Xilinx Platform Studio should open.

You should click "Project" and then click "Project Options".

Under "Advanced Options (Optional) > Project Peripheral Repository Search Path" you must write (if it is not already written) "..TE-EDK-IP\".

You should not alter folder nesting or select MyProcessorIPLib because double nesting of folders is a Xilinx Platform Studio requirements.

After this selection the XPS should appear like in this image.

Now, you can cancel (or move in another folder) the content of "TE0xxx-Reference-Designs\reference-TE0xxx\SDK\SDK_Export".

You can copy all .c and .h files from "TE0xxx-Reference-Designs\reference-TE0xxx\SDK\SDK_Workspace\demo\src" in a temporary folder ("C:\demo_src_TE" for example).

You can cancel all files and folders from "TE0xxx-Reference-Designs\reference-TE0xxx\SDK\SDK_Workspace".

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