Preloaded USB Firmware (FX2 USB microcontroller, EEPROM)

TE0320 comes with FX2 USB microcontroller's firmware.

The modules shipped before 2/09/2013 comes with Generation 2 firmware.

The modules shipped after 2/09/2013 comes with Generation 3 firmware.

To change the firmware of EEPROM from generation 2 to Generation 3 you must follow this procedure. You may also watch this video play list.

Those preloaded firmware is used with TE API ... .

Preloaded FPGA Bitstream (FPGA image, SPI Flash)

TE0320 comes with SPI Flash preloaded with a reference design?

Those preloaded image is just for getting started demo, for real designs:

Loading USB Firmware with USB

Cypress tools (....) or Trenz Electronic Tools (...) can be used to load FX2 USB microcontroller's firmware.

Loading FPGA Bitstream with JTAG

Xilinx Impact can be used to load bitstreams.

Loading FPGA Bitstream with USB

Xilinx Impact can be used to load bitstreams.

Generating bitstreams


Loading FPGA with Reference Design

Loading FPGA with Custom Design