You should click "File" >"New" > "Project".

A pop up "New Project" will appear.

Click "Xilinx" > "Application Project".

A new pop up "New Project Application Project" will appear.

You should set the value of parameters as in the image below.

After this clik "Finish".

A new pop-up "New Project Templates" will appear.

In this case select "Empty Apllication" under "Available Templates".

Click "Finish".

A new "Application Project" named "demo" will be created in the "Project Explorer".

Now you should click "Project" > "Properties". A pop-up "Properties for demo" will appear. Now you should select "Project References".

Now you should assure that "reference-TE0300_hw_platform" and "standalon_bsp_0" are both checked; if their box are not already checked, you should check them now;

Now the contents of "Project Explorer" should be this one below.

Now you should copy the contents of the original demo (all .c and .h files from "TE0xxx-Reference-Designs\reference-TE0xxx\SDK\SDK_Workspace\demo\src" already moved in the temporary folder "C:\demo_src_TE") inside the folder "C:\XilinxProject\reference-TE0xxx\SDK\SDK_Workspace\demo\scr" as already do in the figure below.

You should select "src" folder in "Project Explorer" > "demo", right click and select "Refresh"; in this way the .h and .c files will appears under the "src" folder of "Project Explorer".

You should select "demo" folder in "Project Explorer", right click and select "Refresh".

After the "Refresh" operation the .h and .c files should appear in "Project Explorer" under "demo\src".