To use the "demo" application contained in TE0xxx-Reference-Designs\reference-TE0xxx\SDK\SDK_Workspace, you should (1):

    1. C:\XilinxProject, if you have copied the folder "TE0xxx-Reference-Designs\reference-TE0xxx" to "C:\XilinxProject" ( "C:\XilinxProject\reference-TE0xxx" and "C:\XilinxProject\TE-EDK-IP");
    2. otherwise you must copy the contents of GitHub's 'TE-EDK-IP' folder inside the already existent empty folder "TE0xxx-Reference-Designs\TE-EDK-IP".

You should not alter folder nesting because is a Xilinx Platform Studio requirements

From now on, the choice (a) is assumed.

You should not alter folder nesting or select MyProcessorIPLib because double nesting of folders is a Xilinx Platform Studio requirements

The HW implementation usually takes some time; if you have a very slow computer, the new synthesis could require an hour.

(1)xxx isĀ