The firmware actually changes (it runs on USB FX2 microcontroller's RAM) only when

  • you reset the TE USB FX2 module;
  • you power off and power on the TE USB FX2 module;
  • you write the USB FX2 microcontroller's RAM (but the new firmware is lost if the TE USB FX2 module goes under reset or power off/on cycle).

To start CyConsole (Cypress USB Console) you should double click the file CyConsole.exe.

After this one of this two windows appears.

Recovery boot
Update/normal boot

EZ-USB Interface

To program the EEPROM and/or the RAM you should click "Option" and select "EZ-USB Interface".

Recovery boot
Update/normal boot

RAM programming

The .iic file can be succesfully downloaded in RAM but it doesn't actually work: if you desire to program RAM with .iic file you should use CyControl or OpenFutNet instead.

To program the RAM you should click "Download" button in "EZ-USB Interface" window and select the desired file to download.
Unfortunately, you couldn't actually use .iic files but only .hex or .bix files.

The RAM can be programmed even if EEPROM switch is disabled.
If you don't also write the IIC EEPROM ("Options"  > "EZ-USB Interface" > "Lg EEPROM"), the new firmware is lost if the TE USB FX2 module goes under reset or power off/on cycle.

EEPROM programming

To program the Large (64K) EEPROM you should click "Lg EEPROM" button in "EZ-USB Interface" window and select the desired file to download.



Programming failed:
it happens when EEPROM
switch is disabled.


Programming succeeded:
it happens when EEPROM
switch is enabled.

If the TE USB FX2 module exit from reset or is powered on, the IIC EEPROM content programs/configures the USB FX2 microcontroller RAM