This software tool is now deprecated. Use Python OpenFUT Generation 2 instead.

If you need this instrument for legacy it can be downloade here.

The TE USB FX2 micromodule can be configured by means of a firmware-upgrade (FWU) file.

The first step in generating the FWU file is to generate the fpga.bin file corresponding to a given FPGA design.

FWU file generation

In order to generate the FWU file you shall

  1. generate a bit-stream file from your Xilinx EDK design;

  2. generate a fpga.bin PROM file from the bit-stream file (it is the same procedure of the link before with only two difference: select BIN (swap bits ON) from the drop-down menu file format in the flash/PROM file property sub-panel and any other name than fpga for the output file name input field is not allowed)

  3. generate a FWU file from the PROM file.

FWU file from the PROM file

Once you have got your fpga.bin PROM file, you can proceed and generate your FWU (= FirmWare Upgrade) file. The FWU file is a ZIP archive containing 3 files:

To create your FWU file, you shall

File and path names are given and must not be changed!

Bootload.ini file

The Bootload.ini file defines some module start-up options. Version 1.0 of Bootload.ini has the following structure:

usb.bin file

The usb.bin file contains the firmware to be written in the large EEPROM of the EZ-USB FX2LP USB microcontroller and loaded at module start-up to implement the DEWESoft instruction set.