Generation 2 and generation 3 technology stacks are very similar at the application layer. Porting an application from generation 2 to generation 3 technology stack in quite easy and well documented in user friendly porting guides.

Generation 2

Users can write their application code in C/C++ using the DEWESoft TE USB API. The application code shall use handles.
Sample application projects:

Generation 3

Users can write their application code

The application code does not use handles.
If the user wants to develop and launch an application or system service (e.g. a Plug and Play application or system service), he/she can call any useful functions or methods from CyAPI (in C++ only), TE_USB_FX2_CyAPI (in C++ only), CyUSB (in any .NET programming language) or TE_USB_FX2_CyUSB (in any .NET programming language).

TE_USB_FX2_CyAPI.dll (C++)


Users can write their own C++ applications by including the package.
C++ application code can access CyAPI.lib classes and functions directly to extend TE_USB_FX2_CyAPI APIs.
C++ software projects templates and reference applications are available here.
There is no difference between compiling C++ applications for 32 bit Windows operating systems with Microsoft Visual Studio Express and Microsoft Visual Studio Professional.
There is some difference between compiling C++ applications for 64 bit Windows operating systems with Microsoft Visual Studio Express and Microsoft Visual Studio Professional. Such differences are explained in the C++ TE_USB_FX2 API reference manual (here). C++ applications for 64 bit Windows operating systems with Microsoft Visual Studio Express requires also Microsoft Windows SDK 7.1

The staightforward procedure to install both Microsoft Windows SDK 7.1 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express on the same computer will fails: see here. In this link, 2 different procedure are described; we have sucessfully tested both procedures.

C++ applications using Qt can be easily compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Professional and the Qt Visual Studio Add-in on

TE_USB_FX2_CyUSB.dll (C#)


Users can write their own .NET applications by including the package.
.NET application code can access CyUSB.dll classes and methods directly to extend TE_USB_FX2_CyUSB API.
.NET software projects templates and reference applications are available here.

Open_FUT (generation 3)

Open_FUT (generation 3) has been developed in CPython by using a pure extern C code library version of TE_USB_FX2_CyAPI APIs (codename: simplified TE_USB_FX2_CyAPI APIs).
Open_FUT could be ported to .NET by