Xilinx Zynq-7000 PS has two USB IP Cores that can be used over dedicated MIO pins only (EMIO multiplexing is not supported). If both USB IP Cores is used then SD Card boot is no longer supported.


PHY Reset requirements

Xilinx default standard FSBL can perform USB ULPI PHY Reset only if the reset is directly connected to MIO GPIO, if not then fsbl_hooks.c has to include custom code to reset the USB PHY.

SoMUSB PHY ResetNotes
TE0715MIO51PS7 Config must include MIO51 as USB Reset, polarity active low
TE0720System ControllerReset must be implemented in fsbl_hooks.c


Linux Kernel

Petalinux default Kernel configuration does not enable all needed drivers for the USB to operate properly, menuconfig has to be used to select or enable required drivers.

Linux Devicetree

Petalinux automatically generated devicetree is not sufficient, devicetree top file has to be edited manually for proper USB operation, the changes required depend on the Petalinux version used.