In this section you must explain how to power on the board and run the Reference Design (test board) on the particular module. The main points must be mentioned are:

  • Overview of the board (point out the LEDs, Ethernets, Switches and etc on the board overview)
  • Explain Switches functionality
  • Explain user LEDs
  • Explain the UART connection
  • Refer to the Reference Design

Table of Contents


For more information regarding how to draw a diagram, Please refer to "Diagram Drawing Guidline" .

Create DrawIO object here: Attention if you copy from other page, objects are only linked.

image link to the generate DrawIO PNG file of this page. This is a workaround until scroll pdf export bug is fixed

Power supply

The input power supply must be mentioned.

Over MicroUSB (5V) possible.


Explain all DIP switches functionality

There are no DIPs on TE0722. In case of TE0790 (XMOD) usage, see power supply section.


Explain all user LEDs functionality and connection.

D2(red): User LED connected to MIO9

D6(green): User LED connected to G14

D7(green): 3.3V Power LED


Explain JTAG or UART connection breifly.

JTAG and UART is possible over miro USB connector.

miroUSB UART is connected to PL IO (RX: Pin H13, TX: Pin H14).

Reference Designs
