
This step by step guide covers the tools and console commands for Windows and Linux users.
All required Editors and tools are part of the Intel FPGA Design software packages.
Intels approach for making the Linux tools accessible to Windows users is the wrapper Cygwin.
Therefore console commands are nearly identical, but will be listed when differences exists.
Only the low level access to the SD card can only be performed in a Linux environment.


 - Intel® Quartus® Prime  - Version 18.1 build 625

 - Intel® SoC FPGA Embedded Development Suite (SoC EDS) - Version 18.1 build 625

 - Linux Installation - As OS or as a Virtual Machine - Windows Subsystem for Linux is not suitable


This write-up is intended to guide customers / users in their first steps in
BLABLA → Nutzer dabei zu Unterstützen eigene Designs für das Board zu entwickeln / Die Möglichkeiten / Ideen umzusetzen...

Users who intend to expand the hardware Fähigkeiten des Boards Änderungen des Bootprozesses ODER einfach nur einen
tieferen Einblick / leichten Einstieg in die Nutzung der Entwicklungsumgebung haben wollen..

Wird gezeigt, am BEISPIEL DER HARD

Page 1 - Intel Quartus Project

Begin -
Setup a project in Quartus, use the Plattform Designer to generate interconnection logic for the plattform / your design

Goal -
Compile the project to get the required files and folders in the next steps
[plattformDesigner.sopinfo file and (hps_isw_)handoff folder]

Page 2 - Generation of the pre and main bootloader / u-boot

Use the handoff folder to generate the preloader and main bootloader

[preloader-mkpimage.bin u-boot.img]

Page 3 - Generation of the Device Tree Blob

Use the plattformDesigner.sopinfo file to generate the device tree
[dts and dtb]

Page 4 - SD card setup for Intel Cyclone 5 HPS - EXISTIERT BEREITS