This step guides through the tasks which have to be done inside Intel Quartus Prime. As mentionend in page "Board bring-up overview for TEI0022", this step is for project generation, system setting and output creation. Therefore, the work within this step should be explained in three sections:

The section "Project Creation" describes the basic work to create a new project. The second section "System Setting" explains the creation of an HPS instance inside the project. And the third section "Output Creation" shows how to create the result output inside Intel Quartus Prime.

Project Creation

This section guides through the project creation:

Now, the following figure should be visible:

System Setting

This section guides through the system setting with the Plattform Designer to generate and configure the HPS according to the physical board resources. Within this guide following files and folders are generated with the given purpose.

.sopinfoSOPC Info File containing hardware description for the Device Tree Generator
hps_isw_handoffFolder containing a hardware description for the Preloader Generator

Close the Plattform Designer by pressing Finish.

Output Creation

This section guides through the output creation: