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CompanyTrenz Electronic GmbH
DN NumberDN-20200904
TitleDesign Note TE0820-03 with Video Codec (EV)
SubjectVideo Codec Power Supply
Issue Date


Products Affected

This Design Note affects SoM TE0820 revision 03 with Video Codec (EV):


Serial Numbers1
TE0820-03-04EV-1EAall up to 547797

all up to 646600,
and 646602, 646603, 646605, 646607, 646608, 646609, 646612, 646613, 646614, 646615, 646616, 646618, 646620, 646621, 646622, 646623, 646625, 646626, 646627, 646629, 646630, 646632, 646634, 646636, 646637, 646638, 646640, 646641, 646642,
and 646644 to 646658

TE0820-03-4DI21FAall up to 623789

all up to 652615,
and 652619

TE0820-03-5DR21FAall up to 641770

1 all mentioned serial numbers are understood as "included" and are therefore affected.


The internal supply voltage for the video codec unit (VCU) is set via Resistors R38 and R39. For the above mentioned affected SoMs R38 is set to 40.2 kOhm resulting in a PL_VCU voltage of 1.0V. This is above the recommended operation specification.
Up to the issue date of this design note no adverse effects have been reported. For all serial numbers not mentioned under affected products R38 is 20 kOhm resulting in xilinx recommended 0.9V internal VCU voltage.

If your product is affected and revision is required please contact (subject = DN-20200904) for further instructions.

Contact Information

If you have any questions related to this Design Note, please contact Trenz Electronics Technical Support at


Any statment in this DN is based on the most current product information at the time this DN is being issued. For any further information, please contact your local Trenz Electronic sales office, technical support.

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