CompanyTrenz Electronic GmbH
PCN NumberPCN-20231205
TitleTEB0835-02 BOM Change
SubjectBOM Change
Issue Date


Products Affected

This change affects all Trenz Electronic TEB0835-02* SoMs with a serial number greater than 840855.


#1 Changed SS5 connector (J17, J18) height from 3.0 mm (SS5-80-3.00-L-D-K-TR) to 3.5 mm (SS5-80-3.50-L-D-K-TR).

Type: BOM Change

Reason: BOM optimization

Impact:. Connector height changes from 3 mm to 3.5 mm.

#2 Changed resistor (R4) from 1 kOhm to 10 kOhm.

Type: BOM Change

Reason: Follow Texas Instruments specification.

Impact:. Decrease sink current for DCDC U1.

Method of Identification

The serial number is written on a white QR code sticker and placed on the top side of the PCB within the white frame. The model code and revision number (TEB0835-02) are printed on the top side of the PCB.

Production Shipment Schedule

With immediate effect the new variant is shipped. If the new variant is not suitable for your application and still the former variant of the board is needed, please contact us.

Contact Information

If you have any questions related to this PCN, please contact Trenz Electronics Technical Support at


Any projected dates in this PCN are based on the most current product information at the time this PCN is being issued, but they may change due to unforeseen circumstances.  For the latest schedule and any other information, please contact your local Trenz Electronic sales office, technical support or local distributor.

This PCN follows JEDEC Standard J-STD-046.

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