TEBA0714 carrier board for Trenz Electronic 3 x 4 cm SoM Module
- TEBA0714 - Wiki with TRM, reference projects, application notes and more
- TEBA0714 TRM - Technical Reference Manual
- 3 x 4 SoM Carriers - overview of available carrier boards for all 3 x 4 cm SoM modules
- Shop TEBA0714 - contains prices, order number, content...
- Download area - various schematics, hardware designs and more
- TE0790 Resources - XMOD JTAG Programmer documentation
- Pinout/Tracelength Table - illustration of pinout, tracelength and cross reference Information of modules with different baseboards
- For support, please go to http://forum.trenz-electronic.de/ or contact support@trenz-electronic.de
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