| A WARNING notice denotes a hazard. It calls attention to an operating procedure, practice, or the like that, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in damage to the product or loss of important data. Do not proceed beyond a WARNING notice until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met. |
| A CAUTION notice denotes a risk. It calls attention to an operating procedure, practice, or the like that, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in a fault. (undesired condition that can lead to an error) Do not proceed beyond a CAUTION notice until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met. |
API | application programming interface |
B2B | board-to-board |
DSP | digital signal processing; digital signal processor |
EDK | Embedded Development Kit |
FUT | Firmware Upgrade Tool |
FWU | Firmware Upgrade file |
IOB | input / output blocks; I/O blocks |
IP | intellectual property |
ISP | In-System Programmability |
PB | push button |
SDK | Software Development Kit |
TE | Trenz Electronic |
XPS | Xilinx Platform Studio |