- TEBF0808 CPLD - Firmware description with different Variants for PCB REV03/04 and newer
- Default delivered Firmware (SCM_07A8P0_default.jed/SCS_07A8P0_default.jed)
- Power Down Disabled (SCM_07B8P0_powerdownauto_disabledboot.jed/SCS_07B8P0_powerdownauto_disabledboot.jed) -can be used to power on with main power supply, if Jumper is add to J10-6 and J10-8 instead of Enclosure ButtonMicroSD Boot Disabled (SCM_07C_msdboot_disabled.jed/SCS_07C_msdboot_disabled.jed) -for designs where microSD should not change the boot mode.
- It's recommended to update always both CPLDs together
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