Versions Compared


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Type or FileVersion
Vivado Design Suite2017.4
Trenz Project Scripts2017.4.0206
Trenz <board_series>_board_files.csv1.3
Trenz apps_list.csv


Trenz zip_ignore_list.csv1.0
Trenz mod_bd.csv (not included)1.1


NameOptionsDescription (Default Configuration)
TE::help Display currently available functions. Important: Use only displayed functions and no functions from sub-namespaces 
Hardware Design
TE::hw_blockdesign_create_bd[-bd_name] [-msys_local_mem] [-msys_ecc] [-msys_cache] [-msys_debug_module] [-msys_axi_periph] [-msys_axi_intc] [-msys_clk] [-help]

Create new Block-Design with initial Setting for PS, for predefined bd_names:
fsys→Fabric Only, msys→Microblaze, zsys→7Series Zynq, zusys→UltraScale+ Zynq

Typ TE::hw_blockdesign_create_bd -help for more information

TE::hw_blockdesign_export_tcl[-no_mig_contents] [-no_validate] [-mod_tcl] [-svntxt <arg>]  [-board_part_only] [-help]Export Block Design to project folder <design_name>/block_design/ . Old *bd.tcl will be overwritten!
TE::hw_build_design\[-disable_synth\] \[-disable_bitgen\] \[-disable_hdf\] \[-disable_mcsgen\] \[-disable_reports\] \[-export_prebuilt\] \[-export_prebuilt_only\] \[-help\]Run Synthese, Implement, and generate Bit-file, optional MCS-file and some report files
Software Design
TE::sw_run_hsi[-run_only] [-prebuilt_hdf <arg>] [-no_hsi] [-no_bif] [-no_bin] [-no_bitmcs] [-clear] [-help]

Copies current Hardware files and reports from the vivado project to the prebuilt folder, if -prebuild_hdf <arg> isn't set.
Copy the Hardware Defintition file to the working directory:<design_name>/workspace/hsi
Run HSI in <design_name>/workspace/hsi for all Programes listed in <design_name>/sw_lib/apps_list.csv
If HSI is finished, BIF-GEN and BIN-Gen are running for these Apps in the prepuilt folders <design_name>/prebuilt/...
You can deactivate different steps with following args :

  • -no_hsi  : *.elf filesgeneration is disabled
  • -no_bif   : *.bif files generation is disabled
  • -no_bin  : *.bin files generation is disabled
  • -no_bitmcs: *.bit and *.mcs file (with software design) is disabled
TE::sw_run_sdk[-open_only] [-update_hdf_only] [-prebuilt_hdf <arg>] [-clear] [-help]

Copies current Hardware files and reports from the vivado project to the prebuilt folder, if -prebuild_hdf <arg> isn't set.
Copy the Hardware Defintition file to the working directory:<design_name>/workspace/sdk
Start SDK GUI in this workspace

TE::pr_init_hardware_manager[-help]Open Hardwaremanager, autoconnect target device and initialise flash memory with configuration from *_board_files.csv.
TE::pr_program_jtag_bitfile[-used_board <arg>] [-swapp <arg>] [-available_apps] [-used_basefolder_bitfile] [-help]

Copies current Hardware files and reports from the vivado project to the prebuilt folder, if -used_board <arg> isn't set (Vivado only).
Programming Bitfile from <design_name>/prebuilt/hardware/<board_file_shortname> to the fpga device.
If "-used_basefolder_bitfile" is set, the Bitfile (*.bit)  from the base folder (<design_name>) is used instead of the prebuilts. Attention: Take only one Bitfile in the basefolder!

(MicroBlaze only) If "-swapp" is set, the Bitfile with *.elf configuration is used from <design_name>/prebuilt/boot_images/<board_file_shortname>/<app_name>

TE::pr_program_flash_binfile[-no_reboot] [-used_board <arg>] [-swapp <arg>] [-available_apps] [-force_hw_manager] [-used_basefolder_binfile] [-help]

Attention: For Zynq Systems only!
Program the Bootbin from <design_name>/prebuilt/boot_images/<board_file_shortname>/<app_name> to the fpga device.
Appname is selected with: -swapp <app_name>
After programming device reboot from memory will be done.
Default SDK Programmer is used, if not available LabTools Programmer is used.
If "-used_basefolder_binfile" is set, the Binfile (*.bin)  from the base folder (<design_name>) is used instead of the prebuilts. Attention: Take only one Binfile in the basefolder!

TE::pr_program_flash_mcsfile[-no_reboot] [-used_board <arg>] [-swapp <arg>] [-available_apps] [-used_basefolder_mcsfile] [-help]

Copies current Hardware files and reports from the vivado project to the prebuilt folder, if -used_board <arg> isn't set (Vivado only).
Initialise flash memory with configuration from *_board_files.csv
Programming  MCSfile from <design_name>/prebuilt/hardware/<board_file_shortname> to the Flash Device.
After programming device reboot from memory will be done.
If "-used_basefolder_binfile" is set, the MCSfile (*.mcs)  from the base folder (<design_name>) is used instead of  the prebuilts. Attention: Take only one MCSfile in the basefolder!

(MicroBlaze only) If "-swapp" is set, the MCSfile with *.elf configuration is used from <design_name>/prebuilt/boot_images/<board_file_shortname>/<app_name>

TE::util_zip_project[-save_all] [-remove_prebuilt] [-manual_filename <arg>] [-help]

Make a Backup from your Project in <design_name>/backup/

Zip-Program Variable must be set in start_settings.cmd. Currently only 7-Zip is supported.

TE::util_package_length[-help]Export Package IO length information to *.csv on the doc folder
Beta Test (Advanced usage only!)
TE::ADV::beta_util_sdsoc_project[-check_only] [-help]

Create SDSOC-Workspace. Currently only on some Reference-Designs available. Run [-check_only] option to check SDSOC ready state.

TE::ADV::beta_hw_remove_board_part[-permanent] [-help]Reconfigure Vivado project as project without board part. Generate XDC-File from board part IO definitions and change ip board part properties. No all IPs are supported.
TE::ADV::beta_hw_export_rtl_ip\[-help\]Save IPs used on rtl designs as  *.xci in  <design_name>hdl/xci. If sub folder  <board_file_shortname> is defined this will be saved there.
TE::ADV::beta_hw_create_board_part\[-series  <arg>\] \[-all\] \[-preset\] \[-existing_ps\] \[-help\]create PS or preset.xml PS settings from external tcl scripts


Design Environment: Usage


  1. Are you using exactly the same Vivado version? If not then the scripts will not work, no need to try.
  2. Ary you using Vivado in Windows PC? Vivado works in Linux also, but the scripts are tested on Windows only.
  3. Is you PC OS Installation English? Vivado may work on national versions also, but there have been known problems.
  4. Win OS only: Use short path name, OS allows only 256 characters in normal path.
  5. Linux OS only: Use bash as shell and add access rights to bash files. Check with "ls ls /bin/sh". It should be desplay: /bin/sh -> bash. Access rights can be changed with "chmod"
  6. Are space character on the project path? Somtimes TCL-Scripts can't handle this correctly. Remove spaces from project path.
  7. Did you have the newest reference design build version? Maybe it's only a bug from a older version.
  8. Check <design_name>/v_log/vivado.log? If no logfile exist, wrong xilinx paths are set in design_basic_settings.cmd
  9. On project creation process old files will be deleted. Sometimes the access will be denied by os (synchronisiation problem) and the scripts canceled. Please try again. 
  10. If nothing helps, send a mail to Trenz Electronic Support (support[at] with subject line "[TE-Reference Designs] ",  the complete zip-name from your reference design and the last log file (<design_name>/v_log/vivado.log)
