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This step by step guide covers the tools and console commands for Windows and Linux users.
All required Editors and tools are part of the Intel FPGA Design software packages.
Intels approach for making the these Linux tools accessible to Windows users is the wrapper Cygwin.
Therefore console commands are nearly identical , but will be listed when differences existson Windows and Linux systems.
Only the low level access to the SD card can only be performed in a Linux environment.


 - Linux Installation - As OS or as a Virtual Machine - Windows Subsystem for Linux is not suitable




Users who intend to expand the hardware Fähigkeiten des Boards Änderungen des Bootprozesses ODER einfach nur einen
tieferen Einblick / leichten Einstieg in die Nutzung der Entwicklungsumgebung haben wollen..

Wird gezeigt, am BEISPIEL DER HARD

A detailed Insight into the use of the

Was zeigt die Anleitung?
Zu welchem Nutzen?
Für wen?
Was weiß der Author?

This guide has the objective to give users, with basic knowledge of computers, basic ideas of FPGAs and Software Design Tools,
a detailed Insight into the required steps to build and compile the necessary files to be able to boot the Hard Processor System
of a Cyclone V FPGA from a SD card. The HPS is chosen because it offers a limited amount of complexity and shows the basic
usage of many features from a FPGA Design.

The design process is separated along the usage of different programs and or tools. The output files and folders of one step are
essential for the next processing step. Each step in its own can offer complexity of varying degree on demand. This complexity can not be handled in a simple guide.

The usage of programs and tool will be described on point for the indented goal of booting the HPS. Hopefully this guide helps
users on their first steps into a brighter knowledge of FPGA Design.

Page 1 - Intel Quartus Project
