Scroll Title |
anchor | Table_SIP_MUSB2 |
title | Micro USB2.0 Socket connections |
Scroll Table Layout |
orientation | portrait |
sortDirection | ASC |
repeatTableHeaders | default |
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widths | |
sortByColumn | 1 |
sortEnabled | false |
cellHighlighting | true |
Designator | Signal Name | Connected to | Note |
J29 | D_N/D_P | FTDI,U12 | Data | USB_VBUS | Diode, D4 | VBUS | J30
| USB_N/USB_P | B2B, J17 | Data | USB0_VBUS | B2B, J17 | VBUS | USB0_ID | B2B, J17 | ID |
SMA Connectors
There are 6 SMA Connectors provided for Analog and Digital signals.
Scroll Title |
anchor | Table_SIP_SMA |
title | SMA Connectors information |
Scroll Table Layout |
orientation | portrait |
sortDirection | ASC |
repeatTableHeaders | default |
style | |
widths | |
sortByColumn | 1 |
sortEnabled | false |
cellHighlighting | true |
U?? Pin Designator | Signal Name | Connected to | Note |
UMCC Connectors
anchor | Table_SIP_UMCC |
title | UMCC Connectors |
J1 | ADC0_IN | B2B, J18 |
| J3 | ADC2_IN | B2B, J18 |
| J5 | ADC4_IN | B2B, J18 |
| J7 | ADC6_IN | B2B, J18 |
| J9 | DAC0_OUT | B2B, J18 |
| J11 | DAC2_OUT | B2B, J18 |
UMCC Connectors
There are 8 UMCC Connectors provided for Analog and Digital signals input and output.
Scroll Title |
anchor | Table_SIP_UEC5UMCC |
title | UEC5 UMCC Connectors |
Scroll Table Layout |
orientation | portrait |
sortDirection | ASC |
repeatTableHeaders | default |
style | |
widths | |
sortByColumn | 1 |
sortEnabled | false |
cellHighlighting | true |
U?? Pin Designator | Signal Name | Connected to | Signal DescriptionNote | Note |
UCC8 Connectors
anchor | Table_SIP_UCC8 |
title | UCC8 Connectors |
J2 | ADC1_IN | B2B, J18 |
| J4 | ADC3_IN | B2B, J18 |
| J6 | ADC5_IN | B2B, J18 |
| J8 | ADC7_IN | B2B, J18 |
| J10 | DAC1_OUT | B2B, J18 |
| J12 | DAC3_OUT | B2B, J18 |
| J13 | DAC4_OUT | B2B, J18 |
| J14 | DAC5_OUT | B2B, J18 |
| J15 | DAC6_OUT | B2B, J18 |
| J16 | DAC7_OUT | B2B, J18 |
UCE5 Connectors
The TEB0835 is equipped with two UCE5 Connectors.
Scroll Title |
anchor | Table_SIP_UEC5 |
title | UEC5 Connectors |
Scroll Table Layout |
orientation | portrait |
sortDirection | ASC |
repeatTableHeaders | default |
style | |
widths | |
sortByColumn | 1 |
sortEnabled | false |
cellHighlighting | true |
Designator | Signal Name | Connected to | Note |
J22 | B128_TX0...3 | B2B, J17 | 8x Single Ended/ 4x LVDS Pairs | B128_RX0...3 | B2B, J17 | 8x Single Ended/ 4x LVDS Pairs | J24 | B129_TX0...3 | B2B, J17 | 8x Single Ended/ 4x LVDS Pairs | B129_RX0...3 | B2B, J17 | 8x Single Ended/ 4x LVDS Pairs |
UCC8 Connectors
The TEB0835 is equipped with two UCC8 Connectors.
Scroll Title |
anchor | Table_SIP_UCC8 |
title | UCC8 Connectors |
Scroll Table Layout |
orientation | portrait |
sortDirection | ASC |
repeatTableHeaders | default |
style | |
widths | |
sortByColumn | 1 |
sortEnabled | false |
cellHighlighting | true |
Designator | Signal Name | Connected to | Note |
J23 | FFA_MPRS | B2B, J17 |
| FFA_MSEL | B2B, J17 |
| FFA_INTL | B2B, J17 |
| FFA_RSTL | B2B, J17 |
| FFA_SCL/FFA_SDA | I2C Switch, U7 |
| J25 | FFB_MPRS | B2B, J17 |
| FFB_MSEL | B2B, J17 |
| FFB_INTL | B2B, J17 |
| FFB_RSTL | B2B, J17 |
| FFB_SCL/FFB_SDA | I2C Switch, U7 |
PCIe Card
There is a PICe-8x-Kurz card provided on the TEB0835 board.
PCIe Card
Scroll Title |
anchor | Table_SIP_PCIe |
title | PCIe-x8-Kurz Connectors |
Scroll Table Layout |
orientation | portrait |
sortDirection | ASC |
repeatTableHeaders | default |
style | |
widths | |
sortByColumn | 1 |
sortEnabled | false |
cellHighlighting | true |
U?? Pin | Signal Name | Connected to | Signal Description | Note |
sortEnabled | false |
cellHighlighting | true |
Signal Name | Connected to | Note |
B505_RX0...3 | B2B, J17 | 8x Single Ended/ 4x LVDS Pairs |
B505_TX0...3 | B2B, J17 | 8x Single Ended/ 4x LVDS Pairs |
PCIE_RSTB_R | B2B, J17 | Pulled up to 1.8V |
MIO Pins
Page properties |
you must fill the table below with group of MIOs which are connected to a specific components or peripherals, you do not have to specify pins in B2B, Just mention which B2B is connected to MIOs. The rest is clear in the Schematic. Example: MIO Pin | Connected to | B2B | Notes |
MIO12...14 | SPI_CS , SPI_DQ0... SPI_DQ3 SPI_SCK | J2 | QSPI |
Scroll Title |
anchor | Table_OBP |
title | On board peripherals |
Scroll Table Layout |
orientation | portrait |
sortDirection | ASC |
repeatTableHeaders | default |
style | |
widths | |
sortByColumn | 1 |
sortEnabled | false |
cellHighlighting | true |
Scroll Title |
anchor | Table_OBP_EEP |
title | I2C EEPROM interface MIOs and pins |
Scroll Table Layout |
orientation | portrait |
sortDirection | ASC |
repeatTableHeaders | default |
style | |
widths | |
sortByColumn | 1 |
sortEnabled | false |
cellHighlighting | true |
MIO Pin | Schematic | U15 PinConnected to | Notes |
CS | EECS | FTDI, U12 |
| CLK | EECLK | FTDI, U12 |
| DIN | EEDATA | FTDI, U12 |
Scroll Title |
anchor | Table_OBP_I2C_EEPROM |
title | I2C address for EEPROM |
Scroll Table Layout |
orientation | portrait |
sortDirection | ASC |
repeatTableHeaders | default |
style | |
widths | |
sortByColumn | 1 |
sortEnabled | false |
cellHighlighting | true |
| MIO PinI2C Address | Designator | Notes |
A0 | U15 |
Scroll Title |
anchor | Table_OBP_LED |
title | On-board LEDs |
Scroll Table Layout |
orientation | portrait |
sortDirection | ASC |
repeatTableHeaders | default |
style | |
widths | |
sortByColumn | 1 |
sortEnabled | false |
cellHighlighting | true |
Designator | Color | Connected to | Active Level | Note |
D1 | Green | PG_1.8V | High |
| D2 | Green | PG_3.3V | High |
| D3 | Green | PG_5V | High |
| D6...11 | Green | B2B, J18 | High |
There is a programmable clock generator on-board (U??U5) provided in order to generate variable clocks for the module. Programming can be done using I2C via PIN header J??J20. The I2C Address is 0x??0x70.
Scroll Title |
anchor | Table_OBP_PCLK |
title | Programmable Clock Generator Inputs and Outputs |
Scroll Table Layout |
orientation | portrait |
sortDirection | ASC |
repeatTableHeaders | default |
sortByColumn | 1 |
sortEnabled | false |
cellHighlighting | true |
U?? Pin
| Signal | Connected to | Direction | Note |
IN3 | CLK_25MHZ_R | Oscillator, U6 | Input |
| SCL | PLL_SCL | B2B, J17 | Input |
| SDA | PLL_SDA | B2B, J17 | In/Out |
| INTR | PLL_INTR_N | B2B, J17 | Output |
| CLK1 | B129_CLK1 | B2B, J17 | Output |
| CLK2 | B128_CLK1 | B2B, J17 | Output |
Scroll Title |
anchor | Figure_PWR_PD |
title | Power Distribution |
Scroll Ignore |
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Power-On Sequence
anchor | Figure_PWR_PS |
title | Power Sequency |
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Create DrawIO object here: Attention if you copy from other page, objects are only linked. |
Scroll Only |
image link to the generate DrawIO PNG file of this page. This is a workaround until scroll pdf export bug is fixed |
Image Added |
Power-On Sequence
Scroll Title |
anchor | Figure_PWR_VMCPS |
title | Voltage Monitor CircuitPower Sequency |
Scroll Ignore |
Create DrawIO object here: Attention if you copy from other page, objects are only linked. |
Scroll Only |
image link to the generate DrawIO PNG file of this page. This is a workaround until scroll pdf export bug is fixed |
Scroll Title |
anchor | Table_PWR_PR |
title | Module power rails. |
Scroll Table Layout |
orientation | portrait |
sortDirection | ASC |
repeatTableHeaders | default |
style | |
widths | |
sortByColumn | 1 |
sortEnabled | false |
cellHighlighting | true |
B2B Connector JM1 Pin Connector PinB2B Connector JM3 Pin | |
Bank Voltages
anchor | Table_PWR_BV |
title | Zynq SoC bank voltages. |
VIN | 1,2,3,4,5,6,8 | - | Input |
| PSBATT | 14 | - | Input |
| 3.3V_CPLD | 16 | - | Output |
Board to Board Connectors
Scroll Title |
anchor | Table_TS_ROC |
title | Recommended operating conditions. |
Scroll Table Layout |
orientation | portrait |
sortDirection | ASC |
repeatTableHeaders | default |
style | |
widths | |
sortByColumn | 1 |
sortEnabled | false |
cellHighlighting | true | true |
Parameter | Min | Max | Units | Reference Document |
Parameter | Min | Max | Units | Reference Document |
V | See ???? datasheets. | V | See Xilinx ???? datasheet. | V | See Xilinx ???? datasheet. | V | See Xilinx ???? datasheet. | V | See Xilinx ???? datasheet. | V | See Xilinx ???? datasheet. |
| V | See Xilinx ???? datasheetdatasheets. |
| °C | See Xilinx ???? datasheet. |
| °C | See Xilinx ???? datasheet. |
Include Page |
| IN:Legal Notices |
| IN:Legal Notices |
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