Scroll Title |
anchor | Table_OBP_I2C_EEPROM |
title | I2C address for EEPROM |
Scroll Table Layout |
orientation | portrait |
sortDirection | ASC |
repeatTableHeaders | default |
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sortByColumn | 1 |
sortEnabled | false |
cellHighlighting | true |
I2C Address | Designator | Notes |
A0 | U15 |
The FTDI chip U12 converts signals from USB2 to a variety of standard serial and parallel interfaces. Refer to the FTDI data sheet to get information about the capacity of the FT2232H chip. FTDI FT2232H chip is used in MPPSE mode for JTAG, 2 I/O's of Channel B are routed to B2B J17 and must be used as UART.
The configuration of FTDI FT2232H chip is pre-programmed on the EEPROM U9.
Scroll Title |
anchor | Table_OBP_FTDI |
title | FTDI chip interfaces and pins |
Scroll Table Layout |
orientation | portrait |
sortDirection | ASC |
repeatTableHeaders | default |
sortByColumn | 1 |
sortEnabled | false |
cellHighlighting | true |
FTDI Chip U12 Pin | Signal Schematic Name | Connected to | Notes |
ADBUS0 | JTAG_TCK | B2B, J17 | JTAG interface | ADBUS1 | JTAG_TDI | B2B, J17 | ADBUS2 | JTAG_TDO | B2B, J17 | ADBUS3 | JTAG_TMS | B2B, J17 | BDBUS0 | UART0_RX | B2B, J17 | UART | BDBUS1 | UART0_TX | B2B, J17 | UART | EECS/EECLK/EEDATA | BDBUS2 | EEPROM, U15 | FTDI configuration | DM/DP | D_N/D_P | Micro USB2.0, J29 | FTDI Input |
Scroll Title |
anchor | Table_OBP_LED |
title | On-board LEDs |
Scroll Table Layout |
orientation | portrait |
sortDirection | ASC |
repeatTableHeaders | default |
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widths | |
sortByColumn | 1 |
sortEnabled | false |
cellHighlighting | true |
Designator | Color | Connected to | Active Level | Note |
D1 | Green | PG_1.8V | High |
| D2 | Green | PG_3.3V | High |
| D3 | Green | PG_5V | High |
| D6...11 | Green | B2B, J18 | High |