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This tutorial guides you from inital test_board reference design for TE0802 board with 1cg Zynq device (No. 3) to custom extensible vitis platfom and then shows how to test it by running basic VADD example and also how to run Vitis-AI 2.0 dpu_trd examples facedetect and ResNet50.

Key Features

  • Xilinx 2021.2 tools, Vivado 2021.2.1
  • Vitis AI 2.0
  • Vitis custom extensible platform
  • Vector addition
  • ResNet50 and facedetect demos running on DPU


HWTE0802 BoardTE0802-02-1AEV2-AXilinx Zynq UltraScale+ XCZU1CG board

Diverse CableUSB, Power...----
Virtual MaschineOracle, VMWare or MS WSL--optional
OSLinuxXilinx Supported OS running on VM or native
Reference DesignTE0802-test_board-vivado_2021.2-*.zipbuild 20 or higher to match Vivado 2021.2.1Tutorial was created and tested with:
SWVivado2021.2.1Vivado patch to 2021.2.1 is required by reference design package build 18 or higher



Prepare Reference Design for Extensible Custom Platform

Update Vivado Project for Extensible Platform

Trenz Electronic Scripts allows posibility change some setup via enviroment variables, which depends on the used OS and PC performace.

To improve performance on multicore CPU add global envirment on line 64:

to  /etc/bash.bashrc or local to

For othervariables see also:

Project Delivery - Xilinx devices#EnvironmentVariables

In Ubuntu terminal, source paths to Vitis and Vivado tools by

$ source /tools/Xilinx/Vitis/2021.2/

Download TE0802 StarterKit Linux Design file(see Reference Design download link on chapter Requirements) with pre-build files to


This TE0802 test_board file contains bring-up scripts for creation of Petalinux for range of modules in zipped directory named “test_board”.

Unzip the file to directory:

All supported modules are identified in file: ~/work/TE0802_03_240/test_board/board_files/TE0802_board_files.csv

We will select design ID 03 with name TE0802-02-1AEV2-A, with device xczu1cg-sbva484-1-e. We will use default clock 240 MHz.
That is why we name the package TE0802_03_240 and proposed to unzip the TE0802 test_board Linux Design files into the directory:

In Ubuntu terminal, change directory to the test_board directory:

$ cd ~/work/TE0802_03_240/test_board

Setup the StarterKit directory files for a Linux host machine.
In Ubuntu terminal, execute:

$ chmod ugo+rwx ./console/base_sh/*.sh
$ chmod ugo+rwx ./
$ ./

Select option (0) to open Selection Guide and press Enter

Select variant 3 from the selection guide, press enter and agree selection

Create Vivado Project with option 1

Vivado Project will be generated for the selected variant.

Selection Guide automatically modified ./ with correct variant, so other provided bash files to recreate or open Vivado project again can be used later also.

In case of using selection guide, variant can be selected also manually:

Select option (2) to create maximum setup of CMD-Files and exit the script (by typing any key).

It moves main design bash scripts to the top of the StarterKit directory. Set these files as executable, from the Ubuntu terminal:

$ chmod ugo+rwx *.sh

In text editor, open file

On line 63, change

To improve performance on multicore CPU add on line 64:

Vivado will be utilizing up to 10 parallel logical processor cores with this setup
instead of the default of 2 parallel logical processor cores.

Save the modified file.

This modification will guide the Trenz TE0802 test_board Linux Design scripts to generate Vivado HW for configuration 03 with name TE0802-02-1AEV2-A, with device xczu1cg-sbva484-1-e.

In Ubuntu terminal, change directory to

The Vivado tool will be opened and Trenz Electronic HW project for the TE0802 test_board Linux Design, option 03 will be generated  by running this script:

$ ./

The Vivado tool will be opened and Trenz Electronic HW project for the TE0802 test_board Linux Design, option 3 will be generated.

In Vivado window Sources, click on zusys_wrapper and next on to open the HW diagram in IP integrator:

It is possible to display diagram in separate window by clicking on float icon in upper right corner of the diagram.

Zynq Ultrascale+ block is configured for the Trenz TE0802 test_board Linux Design.

This is starting point for the standard PetaLinux system supported by Trenz with steps for generation of the PetaLinux system. Parameters of this system and compilation steps are described on Trenz Wiki pages:

TE0802 Test Board - Public Docs - Trenz Electronic Wiki (

Follow steps described in these wiki pages if you would like to create fixed, not extensible Vitis platform.

The Extensible Vitis platform generation steps are described in next paragraphs.

Create Extensible Vitis platform

To implement hardware this tutorial offers two alternatives: Fast Track or Manual Track:

  • Choose Fast Track to use TCL script to do the same modifications as in manual track case automatically,
  • Select Manual Track path if you want to see all required hardware modifications required for custom platform.
Fast Track

Block Design of the Vivado project must be opened for this step. Copy following TCL Code to the TCL comand console of Vivado:

TCL Script to prepare Extensible Vitits Platform
#activate extensible platform
set_property platform.extensible true [current_project]

set_property PFM_NAME [string map {part0 zusys} [string map { trenz} [current_board_part]]] [get_files]
set_property platform.design_intent.embedded {true} [current_project]
set_property platform.design_intent.datacenter {false} [current_project]
set_property platform.design_intent.server_managed {false} [current_project]
set_property platform.design_intent.external_host {false} [current_project]
set_property platform.default_output_type {sd_card} [current_project]
set_property platform.uses_pr {false} [current_project]

#add clocking wizard
create_bd_cell -type ip -vlnv clk_wiz_0

#clocking wizard config

#connect clocking wizard inputs
connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins clk_wiz_0/clk_in1] [get_bd_pins zynq_ultra_ps_e_0/pl_clk0]
connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins clk_wiz_0/resetn] [get_bd_pins zynq_ultra_ps_e_0/pl_resetn0]

#add reset cores
create_bd_cell -type ip -vlnv proc_sys_reset_1
create_bd_cell -type ip -vlnv proc_sys_reset_2
create_bd_cell -type ip -vlnv proc_sys_reset_3
create_bd_cell -type ip -vlnv proc_sys_reset_4

#connect reset cores
connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins clk_wiz_0/clk_out1] [get_bd_pins proc_sys_reset_1/slowest_sync_clk]
connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins clk_wiz_0/clk_out2] [get_bd_pins proc_sys_reset_2/slowest_sync_clk]
connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins clk_wiz_0/clk_out3] [get_bd_pins proc_sys_reset_3/slowest_sync_clk]
connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins clk_wiz_0/clk_out4] [get_bd_pins proc_sys_reset_4/slowest_sync_clk]
connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins clk_wiz_0/locked] [get_bd_pins proc_sys_reset_1/dcm_locked]
connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins clk_wiz_0/locked] [get_bd_pins proc_sys_reset_2/dcm_locked]
connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins clk_wiz_0/locked] [get_bd_pins proc_sys_reset_3/dcm_locked]
connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins clk_wiz_0/locked] [get_bd_pins proc_sys_reset_4/dcm_locked]
connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins proc_sys_reset_1/ext_reset_in] [get_bd_pins zynq_ultra_ps_e_0/pl_resetn0]
connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins proc_sys_reset_2/ext_reset_in] [get_bd_pins zynq_ultra_ps_e_0/pl_resetn0]
connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins proc_sys_reset_3/ext_reset_in] [get_bd_pins zynq_ultra_ps_e_0/pl_resetn0]
connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins proc_sys_reset_4/ext_reset_in] [get_bd_pins zynq_ultra_ps_e_0/pl_resetn0]

# add clocks to platform
set_property PFM.CLOCK {clk_out1 {id "1" is_default "false" proc_sys_reset "/proc_sys_reset_1" status "fixed" freq_hz "100000000"} clk_out2 {id "2" is_default "false" proc_sys_reset "/proc_sys_reset_2" status "fixed" freq_hz "200000000"} clk_out3 {id "3" is_default "false" proc_sys_reset "/proc_sys_reset_3" status "fixed" freq_hz "400000000"} clk_out4 {id "4" is_default "true" proc_sys_reset "/proc_sys_reset_4" status "fixed" freq_hz "240000000"}} [get_bd_cells /clk_wiz_0]

#add interrupt core
create_bd_cell -type ip -vlnv axi_intc_0

#config interrupt core
set_property -dict [list CONFIG.C_KIND_OF_INTR.VALUE_SRC USER] [get_bd_cells axi_intc_0]
set_property -dict [list CONFIG.C_KIND_OF_INTR {0x00000000} CONFIG.C_IRQ_CONNECTION {1}] [get_bd_cells axi_intc_0]

#connect interrupt core
connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_intc_0/s_axi_aclk] [get_bd_pins clk_wiz_0/clk_out4]
connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_intc_0/s_axi_aresetn] [get_bd_pins proc_sys_reset_4/peripheral_aresetn]
disconnect_bd_net /zynq_ultra_ps_e_0_pl_clk0 [get_bd_pins zynq_ultra_ps_e_0/maxihpm0_lpd_aclk]
connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins zynq_ultra_ps_e_0/maxihpm0_lpd_aclk] [get_bd_pins clk_wiz_0/clk_out4]

create_bd_cell -type ip -vlnv axi_interconnect_0
set_property -dict [list CONFIG.NUM_MI {1}] [get_bd_cells axi_interconnect_0]
connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_interconnect_0/ACLK] [get_bd_pins clk_wiz_0/clk_out4]
connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_interconnect_0/ARESETN] [get_bd_pins proc_sys_reset_4/peripheral_aresetn]
connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_interconnect_0/S00_ARESETN] [get_bd_pins proc_sys_reset_4/interconnect_aresetn]
connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_interconnect_0/M00_ARESETN] [get_bd_pins proc_sys_reset_4/interconnect_aresetn]
connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_interconnect_0/S00_ACLK] [get_bd_pins clk_wiz_0/clk_out4]
connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_interconnect_0/M00_ACLK] [get_bd_pins clk_wiz_0/clk_out4]

connect_bd_intf_net [get_bd_intf_pins zynq_ultra_ps_e_0/M_AXI_HPM0_LPD] -boundary_type upper [get_bd_intf_pins axi_interconnect_0/S00_AXI]
connect_bd_intf_net -boundary_type upper [get_bd_intf_pins axi_interconnect_0/M00_AXI] [get_bd_intf_pins axi_intc_0/s_axi]

#rename interconnect
set_property name ps8_0_axi_periph [get_bd_cells axi_interconnect_0]

#add zynqUS interrupt inputs and connect intr IP core
set_property -dict [list CONFIG.PSU__USE__IRQ0 {1}] [get_bd_cells zynq_ultra_ps_e_0]
connect_bd_net [get_bd_pins axi_intc_0/irq] [get_bd_pins zynq_ultra_ps_e_0/pl_ps_irq0]

# add interrputs to platform
set_property PFM.IRQ {intr { id 0 range 32 }} [get_bd_cells /axi_intc_0]

# add axi buses to platform
set_property PFM.AXI_PORT {M_AXI_HPM0_FPD {memport "M_AXI_GP" sptag "GP0" memory "" is_range "false"} M_AXI_HPM1_FPD {memport "M_AXI_GP" sptag "GP1" memory "" is_range "false"} S_AXI_HPC0_FPD {memport "S_AXI_HP" sptag "HPC0" memory "" is_range "false"} S_AXI_HPC1_FPD {memport "S_AXI_HP" sptag "HPC1" memory "" is_range "false"} S_AXI_HP0_FPD {memport "S_AXI_HP" sptag "HP0" memory "" is_range "false"} S_AXI_HP1_FPD {memport "S_AXI_HP" sptag "HP1" memory "" is_range "false"} S_AXI_HP2_FPD {memport "S_AXI_HP" sptag "HP2" memory "" is_range "false"} S_AXI_HP3_FPD {memport "S_AXI_HP" sptag "HP3" memory "" is_range "false"}} [get_bd_cells /zynq_ultra_ps_e_0]

#add interconnect ports to platform
set_property PFM.AXI_PORT {M01_AXI {memport "M_AXI_GP" sptag "" memory "" is_range "false"} M02_AXI {memport "M_AXI_GP" sptag "" memory "" is_range "false"} M03_AXI {memport "M_AXI_GP" sptag "" memory "" is_range "false"} M04_AXI {memport "M_AXI_GP" sptag "" memory "" is_range "false"} M05_AXI {memport "M_AXI_GP" sptag "" memory "" is_range "false"} M06_AXI {memport "M_AXI_GP" sptag "" memory "" is_range "false"} M07_AXI {memport "M_AXI_GP" sptag "" memory "" is_range "false"}} [get_bd_cells /ps8_0_axi_periph]

# add addresses to unmapped peripherals


#save project XPR name
global proj_xpr
set proj_xpr [current_project]
append proj_xpr .xpr

#close project

# reopen project
open_project $proj_xpr

# open block design
open_bd_design [current_project].srcs/sources_1/bd/zusys/


This script modifies the Initial platform Block design into the Extensible platform Block design and also defines define Platform Setup configuration.

In Vivado, open the design explorer and Platform description.
The fast track result is identical to the manually performed modifications described in next sections. In Vivado, save block design by clicking on icon “Save Block Design”.

Continue the design path with Validate Design.

Manual Track

In Vivado project, click in Flow Navigator on Settings. In opened Settings window, select General in Project Settings, select Project is an extensible Vitis platform. Click on OK.

IP Integrator of project set up as an extensible Vitis platform has an additional Platform Setup window.

Add multiple clocks and processor system reset IPs
In IP Integrator Diagram Window, right click, select Add IP and add Clocking Wizard IP clk_wiz_0. Double-click on the IP to Re-customize IP window.  Select Output Clocks panel. Select four clocks with frequency 100, 200, 400 and 240 MHz.
100 MHz clock will serve as low speed clock.
200 MHz and 400 MHz clock will serve as clock for possible AI engine.
240 MHz clock will serve as the default extensible platform clock. By default, Vitis will compile HW IPs with this default clock. 

Set reset type from the default Active High to Active Low

Clik on OK to close the Re-customize IP window.

Connect input resetn of clk_wiz_0 with output pl_resetn0 of zynq_ultra_ps_e_0.
Connect input clk_in1 of clk_wiz_0 with output pl_clk0 of zynq_ultra_ps_e_0.

Add and connect four Processor System Reset blocks for each generated clock.

Add four Processor System reset blocks and name them proc_sys_reset_1,  proc_sys_reset_2, proc_sys_reset_3 and  proc_sys_reset_4.
Connect input slowest_sync_clk of proc_sys_reset_1 to clk_out1 of clk_wiz_0.
Connect input slowest_sync_clk of proc_sys_reset_2 to clk_out2 of clk_wiz_0.
Connect input slowest_sync_clk of proc_sys_reset_3 to clk_out3 of clk_wiz_0.
Connect input slowest_sync_clk of proc_sys_reset_4 to clk_out4 of clk_wiz_0.
Connect inputs ext_reset_in of proc_sys_reset_1, proc_sys_reset_2, proc_sys_reset_3 and proc_sys_reset_4 to output pl_resetn0 of zynq_ultra_ps_e_0.
Connect inputs dcm_locked of proc_sys_reset_1proc_sys_reset_2, proc_sys_reset_3 and proc_sys_reset_4 to output locked of clk_wiz_0.

Open Platform Setup window of IP Integrator to define Clocks. In Settings, select Clock.

In “Enabled” column select all four defined clocks clk_out1, clk_out2, clk_out3, clk_out4 of clk_wiz_0 block.

In “ID” column keep the default Clock ID: 1, 2, 3, 4

In “Is Default” column, select clk_out4 (with ID=4) as the default clock.  One and only one clock must be selected as default clock.

Disconnect input pin maxihpm0_lpd_aclk of zynq_ultra_ps_e_0. This net is driven by clock output pl_clk0 of zynq_ultra_ps_e_0.

Connect input pin maxihpm0_lpd_aclk of zynq_ultra_ps_e_0 to the 240 MHz clk_out4 of clk_wiz_0 IP block.

These two modifications are made to support the axi-lite interface of an interrupt controller operating at 240 MHz clock, identical with the default extendable platform clock.

Add, customize and connect the AXI Interrupt Controller
Add AXI Interrupt Controller IP axi_intc_0.
Double-click on axi_intc_0 to re-customize it.

In “Processor Interrupt Type and Connection” section select the “Interrupt Output Connection” from “Bus” to “Single”.

In “Peripherial Interrupt Type” section, change the “Interrupts Types Edge or Level” from AUTO to MANUAL.  Change the corresponding value from 0xFFFFFFFF to 0x00000000.

Click on OK to accept these changes.

This re-configuration is manually setting all interrupts as level interrupts. With this setting, the PetaLinux automatically creates correct description of the interrupt controller in the device tree.
The Vitis extensible flow generates HW IP blocks with level interrupts.

In case of user defined edge interrupts, the corresponding interrupt description will be added in an customised, interrupt controller description section of the user-defined device tree file
For the default extensible TE0802_03_240_pfm platform it is not needed.

Connect interrupt controller clock input s_axi_aclk of axi_intc_0 to clock output clk_out4 of clk_wiz_0. It is the default, 240 MHz clock of the extensible platform.

Connect interrupt controller input s_axi_aresetn of axi_intc_0 to output peripheral_aresetn[0:0] of proc_sys_reset_4 . It is the reset block for default, 240 MHz clock of the extensible platform.

Add AXI Interconnect IP and name it ps_8_axi_periph.

Double click the IP core and set the number of Slave Interfaces and Master Interfaces both to one.

Click OK to customize core.

Connect ports of ps_8_axi_periph core as follows:

Connect ports ACLK, S00_ACLKM00_ACLK to clk_wiz_0 port clk_out4

Connect port S00_AXI to M_AXI_HPM0_LPD of zynq_ultra_ps_e_0

Connect port M00_AXI to axi_intc_0 port s_axi

Connect port ARESETN to proc_sys_reset_4 port peripheral_aresetn[0:0]

Connect ports S00_ARESETN and M00_ARESETN to proc_sys_reset4 port interconnect_aresetn[0:0]

Vitis extensible design flow will be expanding the AXI interconnect ps_8_axi_periph for interfacing and configuration of registers of generated HW IP blocks with the default extensible platform clock 240 MHz.

Double-click on zynq_ultra_ps_e_0 to re-customize it by enabling of an interrupt input pl_ps_irq0[0:0]. Click OK.

Connect the interrupt input pl_ps_irq0[0:0] of zynq_ultra_ps_e_0 block with output irq of axi_intc_0 block.

In Platform Setup, select “Interrupt” and enable intr in the “Enabled” column.

In Platform Setup, select AXI Port for zynq_ultra_ps_e_0:

Select M_AXI_HPM0_FPD and M_AXI_HPM1_FPD in column “Enabled”.

Select S_AXI_HPC0_FPD and S_AXI_HPC1_FPD in column “Enabled”.

For S_AXI_HPC0_FPD, change S_AXI_HPC to S_AXI_HP in column “Memport”.

For S_AXI_HPC1_FPD, change S_AXI_HPC to S_AXI_HP in column “Memport”.

Select S_AXI_HP0_FPD, S_AXI_HP1_FPD, S_AXI_HP2_FPD, S_AXI_HP3_FPD in column “Enabled”.

Type into the “sptag” column the names for these 6 interfaces so that they can be selected by v++ configuration during linking phase. HPC0HPC1HP0HP1HP2HP3

In “Platform Setup”, select AXI Ports for ps8_0_axi_periph:

Select M01_AXI, M02_AXI, M03_AXI, M04_AXI, M05_AXI, M06_AXI and M07_AXI in column “Enabled”.

Open Address Editor tab, right-click to tab window and choose Assign All  in popup menu to add address to interrupt controller.

The modifications of the default design for the extensible platform are completed, now.

In Vivado, save block design by clicking on icon “Save Block Design”.

Continue the design path with Validate Design.

Validate Design

Results of HW creation via Manual Track or Fast Track are identical.

Open diagram by clicking on if not already open.
In Diagram window, validate design by clicking on “Validate Design” icon.

Received Critical Messages window indicates that input intr[0:0] of axi_intc_0 is not connected. This is expected. The Vitis extensible design flow will connect this input to interrupt outputs from generated HW IPs.

 Click OK.

Known Issue: Sometimes an error in validation process may occur reporting create_pfm function is not known. Workaroud is to save block desing, close vivado tool and reopen again using command ./ command to correclty load platform export API. After that, validation should work.

You can generate pdf of the block diagram by clicking to any place in diagram window and selecting “Save as PDF File”. Use the offered default file name:

Compile Created HW and Custom SW with Trenz Scripts

In Vivado Tcl Console, type following script and execute it by Enter. It will take some time to compile HW. HW design and to export the corresponding standard XSA package with included bitstream.

TE::hw_build_design -export_prebuilt

An archive for standard non-extensible system is created:

In Vivado Tcl Console, type the following script and execute it by Enter. It will take some time to compile.

TE::sw_run_vitis -all

After the script controlling SW compilation is finished, the Vitis SDK GUI is opened.

Close the Vitis “Welcome” page.
Compile the two included SW projects.
Standalone custom Vitis platform TE0802-02-1AEV2-A has been created and compiled. 

The TE0802-02-1AEV2-A Vitis platform includes Trenz Electronic custom first stage boot loader in folder zynqmp_fsbl. It includes SW extension specific for the Trenz module initialisation.

This custom zynqmp_fsbl project has been compiled into executable file fsbl.elf.  It is located in: ~/work/TE0802_03_240/test_board/prebuilt/software/1cg_s1gb/fsbl.elf

This customised first stage boot loader is needed for the Vitis extensible platform.
We have used the standard Trenz scripts to generate it for next use in the extensible platform.

Exit the opened Vitis SDK project.

In Vivado top menu select File->Close Project to close project. Click OK.

In Vivado top menu select File->Exit to close Vivado. Click OK.

The exported Vitis Extensible Hardware platform named test_board_1cg_s1gb.xsa can be found in the vivado folder.

Copy Created Custom First Stage Boot Loader

Up to now, StarterKit directory has been used for all development.

Create new folders:

Copy the recently created custom first stage boot loader executable file from

Building Platform OS and SDK

Configuration of the Default Trenz Petalinux for the Vitis Extensible Platform

Change directory to the default Trenz Petalinux folder

Source Vitis and Petalinux scripts to set environment for access to Vitis and PetaLinux tools.

$ source /tools/Xilinx/Vitis/2021.2/
$ source ~/petalinux/2021.2/

Configure petalinux with the test_board_1cg_s1gb.xsa for the extensible design flow by executing:

$ petalinux-config --get-hw-description=~/work/TE0802_03_240/test_board/vivado

Select Exit->Yes to close this window.

Customize Root File System, Kernel, Device Tree and U-boot

In text editor, append definition of 32 interrupts by this text:

&amba {	zyxclmm_drm {
		compatible = "xlnx,zocl";
		status = "okay";
		reg = <0x0 0xA0000000 0x0 0x10000>;
		interrupt-parent = <&axi_intc_0>;
		interrupts = <0  4>, <1  4>, <2  4>, <3  4>,
			     <4  4>, <5  4>, <6  4>, <7  4>,
			     <8  4>, <9  4>, <10 4>, <11 4>,
			     <12 4>, <13 4>, <14 4>, <15 4>,
			     <16 4>, <17 4>, <18 4>, <19 4>,
			     <20 4>, <21 4>, <22 4>, <23 4>,
			     <24 4>, <25 4>, <26 4>, <27 4>,
			     <28 4>, <29 4>, <30 4>, <31 4>;

to the system-user.dtsi file located in folder:

Download the Vitis-AI 2.0 repository.
In browser, open page:

Clik on green Code button and download file.
Unzip file to directory ~/Downloads/Vitis-AI.

Copy ~/Downloads/Vitis-AI to  ~/vitis_ai_2_0 

Delete, delete ~/Downloads/Vitis-AI, clean trash.

The directory ~/vitis_ai_2_0 contains the Vitis-AI 2.0 framework, now.

To install the Vitis-AI 2.0 version of shared libraries into rootfs (when generating system image by PetaLinux) we have to copy recepies recipes-vitis-ai to the Petalinux project :




In text editor, append these lines:


to the user-rootfsconfig file:

xrt, xrt-dev and zocl  are required for Vitis acceleration flow.
dnf is for package management.
parted, e2fsprogs-resize2fs and resize-part can be used for ext4 partition resize.

Other included packages serve for natively building Vitis AI applications on target board and for running Vitis-AI demo applications with GUI.

The viti-ai-library* packages will enable use of the Vitis-AI 2.0 recepies for installation of the correspoding Vitis-AI 2.0 libraries into rootfs of PetaLinux.

Call Petalinux configuration, from the Ubuntu terminal:

$ petalinux-config -c rootfs

Select all user packages. All packages will have to have an asterisk. Go throught all packages again and unselect two related to dropbear which must be turned off.

Dropbear is the default SSH tool in Vitis Base Embedded Platform. If OpenSSH is used to replace Dropbear, the system could achieve faster data transmission speed over ssh. Created Vitis extensible platform applications may use remote display feature. Using of OpenSSH can improve the display experience.

Exit rootfs configuration.

Disable CPU IDLE in Kernel Config

CPU IDLE would cause processors get into IDLE state (WFI) when the processor is not in use. When JTAG is connected, the hardware server on host machine talks to the processor regularly. If it talks to a processor in IDLE status, the system will hang because of incomplete AXI transactions.

So, it is recommended to disable the CPU IDLE feature during project development phase.

It can be re-enabled after the design has completed to save power in final products.

Launch kernel config:

$ petalinux-config -c kernel

Ensure the following items are TURNED OFF by entering 'n' in the [ ] menu selection:

CPU Power Management->CPU Idle->CPU idle PM support

CPU Power Management->CPU Frequency scaling->CPU Frequency scaling

Exit and Yes to Save changes.

Add EXT4 rootfs Support

Let PetaLinux generate EXT4 rootfs. In terminal, execute:

$ petalinux-config

Go to Image Packaging Configuration.
Enter into Root File System Type

Select Root File System Type  EXT4

Set the “Device node” of SD device to value

Exit and Yes to save changes.

Let Linux Use EXT4 rootfs During Boot

The setting of which rootfs to use during boot is controlled by bootargs. We would change bootargs settings to allow Linux to boot from EXT4 partition.

In terminal, execute:

$ petalinux-config

Change DTG settings->Kernel Bootargs->generate boot args automatically to NO.

Update User Set Kernel Bootargs to:
earlycon console=ttyPS0,115200 clk_ignore_unused root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw rootwait cma=512M

Click OK, Exit three times and Save.

Build PetaLinux Image

In terminal, build the PetaLinux project by executing:

$ petalinux-build

The PetaLinux image files will be generated in the directory:

Generation of PetaLinux takes some time and requires Ethernet connection and sufficient free disk space.

Create Petalinux SDK 

The SDK is used by Vitis tool to cross compile applications for newly created platfom.

In terminal, execute:

$ petalinux-build --sdk

The generated sysroot package will be located in directory
Generation of SDK package takes some time and requires sufficient free disk space.
Time needed for these two steps depends also on number of allocated processor cores.

Copy Files for Extensible Platform

Copy these four files:


Rename the copied file u-boot-dtb.elf to u-boot.elf

The directory
contains these five files:

  1. bl31.elf
  2. fsbl.elf
  3. pmufw.elf
  4. system.dtb
  5. u-boot.elf

Copy files:

FilesFrom To

Copy file:

FileFromTo is an place-holder for user defined bash code to be executed after the boot:


echo -ne $lightred
echo Load SD Init Script
echo -ne $cyan
echo User bash Code can be inserted here and put on SD
echo -ne $normal

Create Extensible Platform zip File

Create new directory tree:
~/work/TE0802_03_240_move/test_board_pfm/pfm/boot ~/work/TE0802_03_240_move/test_board_pfm/pfm/sd_dir

Copy all files from the directory:

FilesSourceDestination, Image, rootfs.ext4~/work/TE0802_03_240/test_board/os/petalinux/images/linux~/work/TE0802_03_240_move/test_board/os/petalinux/images/linux

Zip the directory
into ZIP archive:

The archive can be used to create extensible platform on the same or on an another PC with installed Ubuntu 20.04 and Vitis tools, with or without installed Petalinux. The archive includes all needed components, including the Xilinx xrt library and the script serving for generation of the sysroot .

The archive has size approximately 3.6 GB and it is valid only for the initially selected module (03).

This is the TE0802-02-1AEV2-A HW board with xczu1cg-sbva484-1-e device with 1 GB memory.
The extensible Vitis platform will have the default clock 240 MHz.

Move the file to an PC disk drive.

Delete temporary folder and archive:
Clean the Ubuntu Trash.

Generation of SYSROOT

This part of development can be direct continuation of the previous Petalinux configuration and compilation steps.

Alternatively, it is also possible to implement all next steps on an Ubuntu 20.04 without installed PetaLinux Only the Ubuntu 20.04 and Vitis/Vivado installation is needed.
All required files created in the PetaLinux for the specific module (03) are present in the archive:
In this case, unzip the archive to the directory:
and copy all content of directories to
Delete the file and the ~/work/TE0802_03_240_move directory to save filesystem space.

In Ubuntu terminal, change the working directory to:

In Ubuntu terminal, execute script enabling access to Vitis 2021 tools.
Execution of script serving for setting up PetaLinux environment is not necessary:

$ source /tools/Xilinx/Vitis/2021.2/

In Ubuntu terminal, execute script

$ ./ -d ~/work/TE0802_03_240/test_board_pfm

SYSROOT directories and files for PC and for Zynq Ultrascale+  will be created in:

Once created, do not move these sysroot directories (due to some internally created paths).

Generation of Extensible Platform for Vitis

In Ubuntu terminal, change the working directory to:

Start the Vitis tool by executing

$ vitis &

In Vitis “Launcher”, set the workspace for the extensible platform compilation:

Click on “Launch” to launch Vitis

Close Welcome page.

In Vitis, select in the main menu: File -> New -> Platform Project

Type name of the extensible platform:  TE0802_03_240_pfm. Click Next.

 Choose for hardware specification for the platform file:

In “Software specification” select Operating system: linux
In “Boot Components” unselect Generate boot components
(these components have been already generated by Vivado and PetaLinux design flow)

New window TE0802_03_240_pfm is opened.

Click on linux on psu_cortex53 to open window Domain: linux_domain

In “Description”: write xrt  

In “Bif File” find and select the pre-defied option:  Generate Bif

In “Boot Components Directory” select:

In “FAT32 Partition Directory” select:

In Vitis IDE “Explorer” section, click on TE0802_03_240_pfm to highlight it.

Right-click on the highlighted TE0802_03_240_pfm and select build project in the open submenu. Platform is compiled in few seconds.
Close the Vitis tool by selection: File -> Exit.

Vits extensible platform TE0802_03_240_pfm has been created in the directory:

Platform Usage

Test 1: Read Platform Info

With Vitis environment setup, platforminfo tool can report XPFM platform information.

platforminfo ~/work/TE0802_03_240/test_board_pfm/TE0802_03_240_pfm/export/TE0802_03_240_pfm/TE0802_03_240_pfm.xpfm 
Detailed listing from platforminfo utility
Basic Platform Information
Platform:           TE0802_03_240_pfm
File:               /home/xpohl/work/TE0802_03_240/test_board_pfm/TE0802_03_240_pfm/export/TE0802_03_240_pfm/TE0802_03_240_pfm.xpfm

Hardware Platform (Shell) Information
Vendor:                           vendor
Board:                            zusys
Name:                             zusys
Version:                          1.0
Generated Version:                2021.2.1
Hardware:                         1
Software Emulation:               1
Hardware Emulation:               1
Hardware Emulation Platform:      0
FPGA Family:                      zynquplus
FPGA Device:                      xczu1cg
Board Vendor:           
Board Name:             
Board Part:                       xczu1cg-sbva484-1-e

Clock Information
  Default Clock Index: 4
  Clock Index:         1
    Frequency:         100.000000
  Clock Index:         2
    Frequency:         200.000000
  Clock Index:         3
    Frequency:         400.000000
  Clock Index:         4
    Frequency:         240.000000

Memory Information
  Bus SP Tag: HP0
  Bus SP Tag: HP1
  Bus SP Tag: HP2
  Bus SP Tag: HP3
  Bus SP Tag: HPC0
  Bus SP Tag: HPC1

Software Platform Information
Number of Runtimes:            1
Default System Configuration:  TE0802_03_240_pfm
System Configurations:
  System Config Name:                      TE0802_03_240_pfm
  System Config Description:               TE0802_03_240_pfm
  System Config Default Processor Group:   linux_domain
  System Config Default Boot Image:        standard
  System Config Is QEMU Supported:         1
  System Config Processor Groups:
    Processor Group Name:      linux on psu_cortexa53
    Processor Group CPU Type:  cortex-a53
    Processor Group OS Name:   linux
  System Config Boot Images:
    Boot Image Name:           standard
    Boot Image Type:           
    Boot Image BIF:            TE0802_03_240_pfm/boot/linux.bif
    Boot Image Data:           TE0802_03_240_pfm/linux_domain/image
    Boot Image Boot Mode:      sd
    Boot Image RootFileSystem: 
    Boot Image Mount Path:     /mnt
    Boot Image Read Me:        TE0802_03_240_pfm/boot/generic.readme
    Boot Image QEMU Args:      TE0802_03_240_pfm/qemu/pmu_args.txt:TE0802_03_240_pfm/qemu/qemu_args.txt
    Boot Image QEMU Boot:      
    Boot Image QEMU Dev Tree:  
Supported Runtimes:
  Runtime: OpenCL  

Test 2: Run Vector Addition Example

Create new directory test_board_test_vadd  to test Vitis extendable flow example “vector addition”

Current directory structure:

Change working directory:

$cd ~/work/TE0802_03_240/test_board_test_vadd

In Ubuntu terminal, start Vitis by:

$ vitis &

In Vitis IDE Launcher, select your working directory
Click on Launch to launch Vitis.

Select File -> New -> Application project. Click Next.

Skip welcome page if shown.

Click on “+ Add” icon and select the custom extensible platform TE0802_03_240_pfm[custom] in the directory:

We can see available PL clocks and frequencies.

PL4 with 240 MHz clock is has been set as default in the platform creation process.

 Click Next.
In “Application Project Details” window type into Application project name: test_vadd
Click Next.
In “Domain window” type (or select by browse):
“Sysroot path”:
“Root FS”:
“Kernel Image”:
Click Next.

In “Templates window”, if not done before, update “Vitis IDE Examples” and “Vitis IDE Libraries”.

Select Host Examples
In “Find”, type: “vector add” to search for the “Vector Addition” example.

Select: “Vector Addition
Click Finish
New project template is created.

In test_vadd window menu “Active build configuration” switch from “SW Emulation” to “Hardware”.

In “Explorer” section of Vitis IDE, click on:  test_vadd_system[TE0802_03_240_pfm] to select it.

Right Click on:  test_vadd_system[TE0802_03_240_pfm] and select in the opened sub-menu:
Build project

Vitis will compile:
In test_vadd_kernels subproject, compile the krnl_vadd from C++ SW to HDL HW IP source code
In test_vadd_system_hw_link subproject, compile  the krnl_vadd HDL together with TE0802_03_240_pfm into new, extended HW design with new accelerated (krnl_vadd) will run on the default 240 MHz clock. This step can take some time.
In test_vadd subproject, compile the vadd.cpp application example.

Run Compiled Example Application

The sd_card.img file is output of the compilation and packing by Vitis. It is located in directory:

Write the sd card image from the sd_card.img file to SD card.

In Windows Pro 10 (or Windows 11 Pro) PC, inst all program Win32DiskImager  for this task. Win32 Disk Imager can write raw disk image to removable devices.

Insert the SD card to the TE0802 board.

Connect USB Keyboard and USB Mouse to the TE0802 board.

Connect Ethernet cable to the TE0802 board.

Connect Monitor to the Display Port connector of the TE0802 board.

Power on the TE0802 board.

Connect PC USB terminal (115200 bps) to the TE0802 board.

In PC, find the assigned serial line COM port number for the USB terminal. In case of Win 10 use device manager.

In PC, open serial line terminal with the assigned COM port number. Speed 115200 bps.

X11 screen opens on Display port.

Mouse and keyboard connected to the TE0802 board can be used.

Click on “Terminal” icon (A Unicode capable rxvt)

Terminal opens as an X11 graphic window.

In terminal, use keyboard connected to the TE0802 board and type:

sh-5.0# cd /media/sd-mmcblk0p1/
sh-5.0# ./test_vadd krnl_vadd.xclbin

The application test_vadd should run with this output:

sh-5.0# cd /media/sd-mmcblk0p1/
sh-5.0# ./test_vadd krnl_vadd.xclbin
INFO: Reading krnl_vadd.xclbin
Loading: 'krnl_vadd.xclbin'
Trying to program device[0]: edge
Device[0]: program successful!

The Vitis application has been compiled to HW and evaluated on custom system
with extensible custom TE0802_03_240_pfm platform.

Close the rxvt terminal emulator by click ”x” icon (in the upper right corner) or by typing:

# exit

In X11, click ”Shutdown” icon to close down safely.

System is halted. Messages relate to halt of the system can be seen on the USB terminal).
The Display Port output is switched off.
The SD card can be safely removed from the TE0802 board, now.

The TE0802  board can be disconnected from power.

The display resolution can be adjusted temporarily by user command in TE0802 terminal:

root@petalinux:~# xrandr --output DP-1 --mode 800x600

Adjusted X11 display resolution

The TE0802 board uses simple version of an X11 GUI on monitor with Display Port.

Test 3: Vitis-AI Demo

This test implements simple AI demo to verify DPU integration to our custom extensible platform. This tutorial follows Xilix Vitis Tutorial for zcu104 with necessary fixes and customizations required for our case.

Create and Build Vitis Design

Create new directory test_board_dpu_trd  to test Vitis extendable flow example “dpu trd”

Current directory structure:

Change working directory:

$cd ~/work/TE0802_03_240/test_board_dpu_trd

In Ubuntu terminal, start Vitis by:

$ vitis 

In Vitis IDE Launcher, select your working directory
Click on Launch to start Vitis.

Add Vitis-AI Repository to Vitis

Open menu Window → Preferences

Go to Library Repository tab

Add Vitis-AI by clicking Add button and fill the form as shown below, use absolute path to your home folder in field "Location":

Click Apply and Close.

Field "Location" says that the Vitis-AI repository from github has been cloned into ~/vitis_ai_2_0 folder, already in the stage of Petalinux configuration. It is the same Vitis-AI 2.0 package downloaded from the branch 2.0. Use the absolute path to your home directory. It depends on the user name. The user name in the figure is "xpohl". Replace it by your user name.

Correctly added library appears in Libraries:

Open menu Xilinx → Libraries...

You can find there just added Vitis-AI library marked as "Installed".

Create a Vitis-AI Design for our TE0803_24_240 custom platform

Select File -> New -> Application project. Click Next.

Skip welcome page if it is shown.

Click on “+ Add” icon and select the custom extensible platform TE0802_03_240_pfm[custom] in the directory:

We can see available PL clocks and frequencies.

PL4 with 240 MHz clock is has been set as default in the platform creation process.

Click Next.
In “Application Project Details” window type into Application project name: dpu_trd
Click Next.
In “Domain window” type (or select by browse):
“Sysroot path”:
“Root FS”:
“Kernel Image”:
Click Next.

In “Templates window”, if not done before, update “Vitis IDE Examples” and “Vitis IDE Libraries”.

In “Find”, type: “dpu” to search for the “DPU Kernel (RTL Kernel)” example.

Select: “DPU Kernel (RTL Kernel)

 Click Finish
New project template is created.

In dpu_trd window menu “Active build configuration” switch from “SW Emulation” to “Hardware”.

File dpu_conf.vh located at dpu_trd_kernels/src/prj/Vitis directory contains DPU configuration.

In Project Explorer expand: dpu_trd_kernels → src → prj → Vitis and open file dpu_conf.vh.

Replace all content of dpu_conf.vh file by following DPU connfiguration and save the file:

//Setting the arch of DPU, For more details, Please read the PG338 

/*====== Architecture Options ======*/
// |------------------------------------------------------|
// | Support 8 DPU size
// | It relates to model. if change, must update model
// +------------------------------------------------------+
// | `define B512               
// +------------------------------------------------------+
// | `define B800                 
// +------------------------------------------------------+
// | `define B1024                 
// +------------------------------------------------------+
// | `define B1152                 
// +------------------------------------------------------+
// | `define B1600                 
// +------------------------------------------------------+
// | `define B2304                 
// +------------------------------------------------------+
// | `define B3136                 
// +------------------------------------------------------+
// | `define B4096                 
// |------------------------------------------------------|

`define B800 

// |------------------------------------------------------|
// | If the FPGA has Uram. You can define URAM_EN parameter               
// | if change, Don't need update model
// +------------------------------------------------------+
// | for zcu104 : `define URAM_ENABLE               
// +------------------------------------------------------+
// | for zcu102 : `define URAM_DISABLE                 
// |------------------------------------------------------|


//config URAM
    `define def_UBANK_IMG_N          5
    `define def_UBANK_WGT_N          17
    `define def_UBANK_BIAS           1
    `define def_UBANK_IMG_N          0
    `define def_UBANK_WGT_N          0
    `define def_UBANK_BIAS           0

// |------------------------------------------------------|
// | You can use DRAM if FPGA has extra LUTs               
// | if change, Don't need update model
// +------------------------------------------------------+
// | Enable DRAM  : `define DRAM_ENABLE               
// +------------------------------------------------------+
// | Disable DRAM : `define DRAM_DISABLE                 
// |------------------------------------------------------|


//config DRAM
    `define def_DBANK_IMG_N          1 
    `define def_DBANK_WGT_N          1
    `define def_DBANK_BIAS           1
    `define def_DBANK_IMG_N          0
    `define def_DBANK_WGT_N          0
    `define def_DBANK_BIAS           0

// |------------------------------------------------------|
// | RAM Usage Configuration              
// | It relates to model. if change, must update model
// +------------------------------------------------------+
// | RAM Usage High : `define RAM_USAGE_HIGH               
// +------------------------------------------------------+
// | RAM Usage Low  : `define RAM_USAGE_LOW                 
// |------------------------------------------------------|


// |------------------------------------------------------|
// | Channel Augmentation Configuration
// | It relates to model. if change, must update model
// +------------------------------------------------------+
// | Enable  : `define CHANNEL_AUGMENTATION_ENABLE              
// +------------------------------------------------------+
// | Disable : `define CHANNEL_AUGMENTATION_DISABLE                
// |------------------------------------------------------|


// |------------------------------------------------------|
// | DepthWiseConv Configuration
// | It relates to model. if change, must update model
// +------------------------------------------------------+
// | Enable  : `define DWCV_ENABLE              
// +------------------------------------------------------+
// | Disable : `define DWCV_DISABLE               
// |------------------------------------------------------|


// |------------------------------------------------------|
// | Pool Average Configuration
// | It relates to model. if change, must update model
// +------------------------------------------------------+
// | Enable  : `define POOL_AVG_ENABLE              
// +------------------------------------------------------+
// | Disable : `define POOL_AVG_DISABLE                
// |------------------------------------------------------|


// |------------------------------------------------------|
// | support multiplication of two feature maps
// | It relates to model. if change, must update model
// +------------------------------------------------------+
// | Enable  : `define ELEW_MULT_ENABLE           
// +------------------------------------------------------+
// | Disable : `define ELEW_MULT_DISABLE               
// |------------------------------------------------------|


// +------------------------------------------------------+
// | RELU Type Configuration
// | It relates to model. if change, must update model
// +------------------------------------------------------+
// | `define RELU_RELU6
// +------------------------------------------------------+
// |------------------------------------------------------|


// |------------------------------------------------------|
// | DSP48 Usage Configuration  
// | Use dsp replace of lut in conv operate 
// | if change, Don't need update model
// +------------------------------------------------------+
// | `define DSP48_USAGE_HIGH              
// +------------------------------------------------------+
// | `define DSP48_USAGE_LOW                
// |------------------------------------------------------|

`define DSP48_USAGE_LOW 

// |------------------------------------------------------|
// | Power Configuration
// | if change, Don't need update model
// +------------------------------------------------------+
// | `define LOWPOWER_ENABLE              
// +------------------------------------------------------+
// | `define LOWPOWER_DISABLE               
// |------------------------------------------------------|


// |------------------------------------------------------|
// | DEVICE Configuration
// | if change, Don't need update model
// +------------------------------------------------------+
// | `define MPSOC              
// +------------------------------------------------------+
// | `define ZYNQ7000               
// |------------------------------------------------------|

`define MPSOC

This modification is necessary for succsessfull implementation of the DPU on used board.

Go to dpu_trd_system_hw_link, expland it and double click on dpu_trd_system_hw_link.prj.

Remove sfm_xrt_top kernel from binary container by right clicking on it and choosing remove.

Reduce number of DPU kernels to one.

Configure connection of DPU kernels

On the same tab right click on dpu and choose Edit V++ Options 

Click "..." button on the line of V++ Configuration Settings and modify configuration as follows:



Click "Apply and Close" to accept edited changes.

Build DPU_TRD 

In “Explorer” section of Vitis IDE, click on:  dpu_trd_system[TE0803_24_240_pfm] to select it.

Right Click on:  dpu_trd_system[TE0803_24_240_pfm] and select in the opened sub-menu:
Build project

Run DPU_TRD on Board

Write sd_card.img to SD card using SD card reader.

The sd_card.img file is output of the compilation and packing by Vitis. It is located in directory:

In Windows Pro 10 (or Windows 11 Pro) PC, inst all program Win32DiskImager  for this task. Win32 Disk Imager can write raw disk image to removable devices.

Boot the board and open terminal on the board either by connecting serial console connection, or by opening ethernet connection to ssh server on the board, or by opening terminal directly using window manager on board. Continue using the embedded board terminal.

Detailed guide how to run embedded board and connect to it can be found in Run Compiled Example Application for Vector Addition.

Add files needed to run DPU demos

Download archive with models and qos scripts to your PC from link below:

Download link

Use SFTP connection to the board and upload archive to the board folder /home/root

Prepare Linux Setup to run DPU demos

Check ext4 partition size by:

root@petalinux:~# cd /
root@petalinux:~# df .
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root               564048    398340    122364  77% /

Resize partition

root@petalinux:~# resize-part /dev/mmcblk0p2
Warning: Partition /dev/mmcblk0p2 is being used. Are you sure you want to continue?
parted: invalid token: 100%
Yes/No? yes
End?  [2147MB]? 100%
Information: You may need to update /etc/fstab.

resize2fs 1.45.3 (14-Jul-2019)
Filesystem at /dev/mmcblk0p2 is mounted on /media/sd-mmcblk0p2; o[   72.751329] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p2): resizing filesystem from 154804 to 1695488 blocks
n-line resizing required
old_desc_blocks = 1, new_desc_blocks = 1
[   75.325525] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p2): resized filesystem to 1695488
The filesystem on /dev/mmcblk0p2 is now 1695488 (4k) blocks long.

Check ext4 partition size again, you should see:

root@petalinux:~# df . -h
Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root                 6.1G    390.8M      5.4G   7% /
The available size would be different according to your SD card size.

Unpack archive install models, set QoS using provided scripts:

root@petalinux:~# cd /home/root
root@petalinux:~# tar xvzf models.tar.gz
root@petalinux:~# mkdir -p /usr/share/vitis_ai_library/models
root@petalinux:~# cp -r /home/root/models/densebox_640_360 /usr/share/vitis_ai_library/models
root@petalinux:~# mkdir resnet50
root@petalinux:~# cp /home/root/models/resnet50/resnet50.xmodel /home/root/resnet50
root@petalinux:~# ./models/dpu_sw_optimize/zynqmp/

Change Display port resolution (use the same command as in test_vadd example):

root@petalinux:~# export DISPLAY=:0.0
root@petalinux:~# xrandr --output DP-1 --mode 800x600

Set path to Xilinx Firmware:

root@petalinux:~# export XLNX_VART_FIRMWARE=/mnt/sd-mmcblk0p1/dpu.xclbin

Check if DPU is up and running:

root@petalinux:~# xdputil query

Output should look like:

    "DPU IP Spec":{
        "DPU Core Count":1,
        "DPU Target Version":"v1.4.1",
        "IP version":"v3.4.0",
        "generation timestamp":"2021-12-15 10-30-00",
        "git commit id":"706bd10",
        "git commit time":2112151029,
        "regmap":"1to1 version"
    "VAI Version":{
        "":"Xilinx vart-runner Version: 2.0.0-d02dcb6041663dbc7ecbc0c6af9fafa087a789de  2023-02-27-12:41:36 ",
        "":"Xilinx vitis_ai_library dpu_task Version: 2.0.0-d02dcb6041663dbc7ecbc0c6af9fafa087a789de  2022-01-20 07:11:10 [UTC] ",
        "":"Xilinx xir Version: xir-d02dcb6041663dbc7ecbc0c6af9fafa087a789de 2023-02-27-12:40:08",
        "target_factory":"target-factory.2.0.0 d02dcb6041663dbc7ecbc0c6af9fafa087a789de"
            "DPU Arch":"DPUCZDX8G_ISA0_B800_01000030F6012201",
            "DPU Frequency (MHz)":300,
            "IP Type":"DPU",
            "Load Parallel":2,
            "Load augmentation":"enable",
            "Load minus mean":"disable",
            "Save Parallel":2,
            "XRT Frequency (MHz)":300,
            "name":"DPU Core 0"
Upload and build demo applications 

Use SFTP and copy resnet50 and facedetect demos from your PC to TE0802 board.

Copy folder ~/vitis_ai_2_0/demo/Vitis-AI-Library/samples/facedetect to folder /home/root on TE0802 board.

Copy folder ~/vitis_ai_2_0/demo/VART/resnet50 to folder /home/root on TE0802 board.

Copy folder ~/vitis_ai_2_0/demo/VART/common to folder /home/root on TE0802 board.

Copy folder ~/vitis_ai_2_0/demo/VART/images to folder /home/root on TE0802 board.

Build facedetect and resnet50 demo:

root@petalinux:~# cd /home/root/facedetect
root@petalinux:~/facedetect# ./
root@petalinux:~/facedetect# cd /home/root/resnet50
root@petalinux:~/resnet50# ./

Run the resnet50 application and observe the result.

root@petalinux:~# cd /home/root/resnet50
root@petalinux:~/resnet50# ./resnet50 resnet50.xmodel

WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
I0309 17:08:56.273248  1641] create running for subgraph: subgraph_conv1

Image : 001.jpg
top[0] prob = 0.982662  name = brain coral
top[1] prob = 0.008502  name = coral reef
top[2] prob = 0.006621  name = jackfruit, jak, jack
top[3] prob = 0.000543  name = puffer, pufferfish, blowfish, globefish
top[4] prob = 0.000330  name = eel

Connect USB webcam and run facedetect demo:

root@petalinux:~# cd facedetect
root@petalinux:~/facedetect# ./test_video_facedetect densebox_640_360 0 -t 1

[ WARN:0] global /usr/src/debug/opencv/4.4.0-r0/git/modules/videoio/src/cap_gstreamer.cpp (935) open OpenCV | GStreamer warning: Cannot query video position: status=0, value=-1, duration=-1
WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
I0309 16:51:43.543998  1518 demo.hpp:744] DPU model size=640x360

The TE0802 board is running the PetaLinux OS and drives simple version of an X11 GUI on monitor with Display Port. Application facedetect performing face detector on USB camera video source and using the densebox 640x360 model inference accelerated on DPU.

Additional Vitis AI 2.0 demos

Some other demos from the Vitis AI 2.0 library can be compiled on the test board and executed on the test board with identical DPU. However, it requires also to compile their network model to DPU architecture. 

Vitis AI 2.0 demos work in several modes:

  • From a image stored in a file with output in form of text to console or image displayed on the X11 desktop.
  • From sequence of images stored in several files with output in form of text to console or images displayed on the X11 desktop
  • From USB 2/3 web camera input  video with output in form video displayed on the X11 remote desktop.

Starting point for exploration of these Vitis AI 2.0 examples is this Xilinx www page.

Vitis AI 2.0 is Here! (

Starting point for exploration of Vitis acceleration flow is Vitis Accel Examples' Repository (project templates are already downloaded in Vitis):

GitHub - Xilinx/Vitis_Accel_Examples at 2021.2

Filesystem on M.2 PCIe SSD Drive

TE0802 board is features the M.2 PCIe slot (U5). It optionally allow to run Petalinux OS from SSD drive instead of SD Card to reach higher capacity and better performance. To move filesystem generated by dpu_trd project, follow steps below:

  1. Build dpu_trd project and write sd_card.img to SD card as already explained in dpu_trd demo section.
  2. Equip the board with compatible PCIe SSD drive. This guide is using Samsung SSD 970 EVO Plus 500GB.
  3. Boot the board and continue in board terminal.
  4. Identify your target device:

    root@petalinux:~# parted -l

    Find in terminal ouput a snippet related to your new device to find a name of your new device:

    Model: Samsung SSD 970 EVO Plus 500GB (nvme)
    Disk /dev/nvme0n1: 500GB
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
    Partition Table: unknown
    Disk Flags:

    The device name is in our case /dev/nvme0n1

  5. Unmount the device if already mounted

    root@petalinux:~# umount /dev/nvme0n1
  6. Format the drive, create single partition and reboot the board:

    root@petalinux:~# mkfs.ext4 /dev/nvme0n1
    mke2fs 1.45.6 (20-Mar-2020)
    Discarding device blocks: done
    Creating filesystem with 122096646 4k blocks and 30531584 inodes
    Filesystem UUID: a8bbe2fb-1388-4bbd-87c8-ad65eb8094a3
    Superblock backups stored on blocks:
            32768, 98304, 163840, 229376, 294912, 819200, 884736, 1605632, 2654208,
            4096000, 7962624, 11239424, 20480000, 23887872, 71663616, 78675968,
    Allocating group tables: done
    Writing inode tables: done
    Creating journal (262144 blocks): done
    Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done
    root@petalinux:~# reboot

    After reboot, the new drive will be automounted to /run/media/nvme0n1

  7. Install all OS files to new device. You can use one of two options. The first, remount current filesystem on SD card read only and copy it to the new drive (option a). This method preserves all modifications you have already done to the filesystem on SD card. The second, use rootfs.ext4 file to restore OS filesystem to its initial state (option b)
    1. Remount root filesystem read only and copy it to the new drive, then reboot:

      root@petalinux:~# mount -r -o remount /
      root@petalinux:~# cp -r /mnt/sd-mmcblk0p2/* /run/media/nvme0n1/
      root@petalinux:~# reboot
    2. Use SFTP to transmit file ~/work/TE0802_03_240/test_board/os/petalinux/images/linux/rootfs.ext4 to folder /run/media/nvme0n1 on TE0802 board. 
      Create folder where rootfs.ext4 will be mounted:

      root@petalinux:~# mkdir -p /mnt/rootfs

      Mount rootfs.ext4 file, copy filesystem, unmount and reboot:

      root@petalinux:~# mount -o loop /run/media/nvme0n1/rootfs.ext4 /mnt/rootfs
      root@petalinux:~# cp -r /mnt/rootfs/* /run/media/nvme0n1
      root@petalinux:~# umount /mnt/rootfs
      root@petalinux:~# reboot
  8. Stop the autoboot when boot process is instructing you about the option and continue in u-boot terminal:

    Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0

    Modify boot arguments to boot from SSD drive:

    ZynqMP> setenv bootargs "earlycon console=ttyPS0,115200 clk_ignore_unused root=/dev/nvme0n1 rw rootwait cma=512M"

    Save the boot arguments permanently or skip next step is you want to boot from nvme drive only once:

    ZynqMP> saveenv

    Boot the board from nvme drive:

    ZynqMP> boot

    The previous file system is still available on SD card, mounted to /mnt/sd-mmcblk0p2, but not used. It is possible to switch the boot process back to SD card by setting bootargs in u-boot terminal by command:

    setenv bootargs "earlycon console=ttyPS0,115200 clk_ignore_unused root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw rootwait cma=512M"

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Error rendering macro 'page-info'

Ambiguous method overloading for method jdk.proxy241.$Proxy3497#hasContentLevelPermission. Cannot resolve which method to invoke for [null, class java.lang.String, class com.atlassian.confluence.pages.Page] due to overlapping prototypes between: [interface com.atlassian.confluence.user.ConfluenceUser, class java.lang.String, class com.atlassian.confluence.core.ContentEntityObject] [interface com.atlassian.user.User, class java.lang.String, class com.atlassian.confluence.core.ContentEntityObject]

Error rendering macro 'page-info'

Ambiguous method overloading for method jdk.proxy241.$Proxy3497#hasContentLevelPermission. Cannot resolve which method to invoke for [null, class java.lang.String, class com.atlassian.confluence.pages.Page] due to overlapping prototypes between: [interface com.atlassian.confluence.user.ConfluenceUser, class java.lang.String, class com.atlassian.confluence.core.ContentEntityObject] [interface com.atlassian.user.User, class java.lang.String, class com.atlassian.confluence.core.ContentEntityObject]

Error rendering macro 'page-info'

Ambiguous method overloading for method jdk.proxy241.$Proxy3497#hasContentLevelPermission. Cannot resolve which method to invoke for [null, class java.lang.String, class com.atlassian.confluence.pages.Page] due to overlapping prototypes between: [interface com.atlassian.confluence.user.ConfluenceUser, class java.lang.String, class com.atlassian.confluence.core.ContentEntityObject] [interface com.atlassian.user.User, class java.lang.String, class com.atlassian.confluence.core.ContentEntityObject]

  • bugfix plugin macro


v.0(old v.18)


  • initial release

Error rendering macro 'page-info'

Ambiguous method overloading for method jdk.proxy241.$Proxy3497#hasContentLevelPermission. Cannot resolve which method to invoke for [null, class java.lang.String, class com.atlassian.confluence.pages.Page] due to overlapping prototypes between: [interface com.atlassian.confluence.user.ConfluenceUser, class java.lang.String, class com.atlassian.confluence.core.ContentEntityObject] [interface com.atlassian.user.User, class java.lang.String, class com.atlassian.confluence.core.ContentEntityObject]

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