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CR00140 SC CPLD design for MAX10 with designator U25:  10M08SAU169C8G.

Feature Summary

  • Receiving, levelshifting and forwarding of
    • control,
    • sensor and
    • status signals
  • security logic
  • Push Buttons

Firmware Revision and supported PCB Revision

See Document Change History.

Product Specification

Port Description

VHDL Port nameDirectionSC CPLD PinCPLD BankConnected toFunctionNotes


B98J11-3CPLD - CRUVI communicationcurrently not used


A0_PinJ83J9-14PWM signal phase B, low-
A0_NinK83J9-16PWM signal phase D, high-


PWM signal phase A, low-
A1_NinM123J9-22PWM signal phase C, high-
A2_PinM93J9-26PWM signal phase D, low-
A2_NinM83J9-28PWM signal phase C, low-
A3_PinN83J9-32PWM signal phase B, high-
A3_NinN73J9-34PWM signal phase A, high-
A4_PoutM73J9-38current measurement phase B-
A4_NoutN63J9-40push button S2 signal-
A5_PoutK53J9-44motor disable signaldisabled when high
J53J9-46CPLD - CRUVI communicationcurrently not used
N53J9-15CPLD - CRUVI communicationcurrently not used
B0_NinN43J9-17LED D2 signalactive high
J73J9-21CPLD - CRUVI communicationcurrently not used
B1_NinK73J9-23clock input for ADCs 5-20 MHz
B2_PoutL113J9-27Encoder/Sensor signal A-
B2_NoutM113J9-29Encoder/Sensor signal B-
B3_PoutL103J9-33Encoder/Sensor signal I-
B3_NoutM103J9-35Back EMF signal phase B-
B4_PoutJ63J9-398Back EMF signal phase C-
B4_NoutK63J9-41Back EMF signal phase A-
B5_PoutL53J9-45current measurement phase A-
B5_NoutL43J9-47voltage measurement DC_LINK-
N93J9-2CPLD - CRUVI I/O communicationcurrently not used


F51BJ9-51, J10-9JTAG / user IO CPLD firmware dependentJTAG pinsharing currently not enabled
F61BJ9-53, J10-3JTAG / user IO CPLD firmware dependent
G11BJ9-55, J10-5JTAG / user IO CPLD firmware dependent
E51BJ9-57JTAG enable CPLD firmware dependent
G21BJ9-59, J10-1JTAG / user IO CPLD firmware dependent
K22J9-3CPLD - CRUVI I/O communicationcurrently not used
BUTTON1inC108S2User button forwarded to CRUVIactiv low
BUTTON2inB108S1Motor control enable/disableactiv low
ENC_AinA108U13-13Sensor/Encoder input channel A-
ENC_BinA98U13-12Sensor/Encoder input channel B-
ENC_IinA118U13-14Sensor/Encoder input channel I-
LED0outD68D2User LED forwarded from CRUVIactive high
LED1outB28D1Status LED

blinking → motor control aktiv,

static on → system ok and motor control disabled

M_BEMF_B_DinB58U15-13Back EMF signal phase B-
M_BEMF_C_DinA58U15-12Back EMF signal phase C-


Back EMF signal phase A-
M_PWM_AHoutF11AU8-2Phase A half bridge high (DC_LINK) side driver signal-
M_PWM_ALoutE31AU8-3Phase A half bridge low (PGND) side driver signal-
M_PWM_BHoutE11AU9-2Phase B half bridge high (DC_LINK)side driver signal-
M_PWM_BLoutD11AU9-3Phase B half bridge low (PGND) side driver signal-
M_PWM_CHoutE41AU10-2Phase C half bridge high (DC_LINK)side driver signal-
M_PWM_CLoutC11AU10-3Phase C half bridge low (PGND) side driver signal-
M_PWM_DHoutC21AU11-2Phase D half bridge high (DC_LINK) side driver signal-
M_PWM_DLoutB11AU11-3Phase D half bridge low (PGND) side driver signal-
SD_IAinE68U3-6Current measurement phase A-
SCLK_AoutB38U3-7, U5-7Clock for ADC for current measurement phase A and B(5-20 MHz)
SD_VinB48U7-6Voltage measurement DC_LINK-
SD_IBinA28U5-6Current measurement phase B-
SCLK_V_AoutA38U7-7Clock for ADC for voltage measurement DC_LINK(5-20 MHz)
M_DISABLE_D_DoutJ12U11-5Halfe bridge disable phase Ddisabled when high, pull up connected, weak pull up enabled
M_DISABLE_A_DoutM12U8-5Halfe bridge disable phase Adisabled when high, pull up connected, weak pull up enabled 
M_DISABLE_B_DoutL22U9-5Halfe bridge disable phase Bdisabled when high, pull up connected, weak pull up enabled 
M_DISABLE_C_DoutK12U10-5Halfe bridge disable phase Cdisabled when high, pull up connected, weak pull up enabled
M22J9-11-currently not used
M32J10-6-currently not used (CPLD RESET)

currently not used/implemented (UART)
CLK_25MHZinH62U26-3Clock input for accurate 25 Mhz.currently not used
On-board LEDs

Motor driver PWM signals

CRUVI interface signals are utilized to drive the half bridge PWM motor driver signals. They are logical connected to prevent driving the high and low simultanously:

M_PWM_AH <= '1' when ((A3_N='1') and (A1_P ='0')) else '0';
M_PWM_AL <= '1' when ((A1_P='1') and (A3_N ='0')) else '0';

M_PWM_BH <= '1' when ((A3_P='1') and (A0_P ='0')) else '0';
M_PWM_BL <= '1' when ((A0_P='1') and (A3_P ='0')) else '0';

M_PWM_CH <= '1' when ((A1_N='1') and (A2_N ='0')) else '0';
M_PWM_CL <= '1' when ((A2_N='1') and (A1_N ='0')) else '0';

M_PWM_DH <= '1' when ((A0_N='1') and (A2_P ='0')) else '0';
M_PWM_DL <= '1' when ((A2_P='1') and (A0_N ='0')) else '0';

Motor disable

The M_DISABLE signal set via push button S1 is used to disable all 4 motor drivers:

The motor disable signal is also forwarded to the CRUVI interface:

Sensor/Encoder, Back EMF

Sensor signals are forwarded to the CRUVI interface:

B2_P <= ENC_A;
B2_N <= ENC_B;
B3_P <= ENC_I;

B3_N <= M_BEMF_B_D;
B4_N <= M_BEMF_A_D;
B4_P <= M_BEMF_C_D;

Current and voltage measurement

Data signals from the 3 ADCs are forwarded to the CRUVI interface:
B5_N <= SD_V;
B5_P <= SD_IA;
A4_P <= SD_IB;

The corresponding clock signals are derived from the CRUVI interface signal B1_N:
SCLK_V_A <= B1_N;
SCLK_A <= B1_N;


Motor disable button

S1 is utilized to switch the motor control on/off. The button is debounced. On press it switches the state of M_DISABLE signal and sets the corresponding LED status.

User Button

User button S2 is forwarded to the CRUVI interface signal A4_N:
A4_N <= BUTTON1;


Status LED

The LED D1 is utilized for board status information in the following way:

ONLED ONAll OK,  motor control disabled
********continuous blinkingAll OK,  motor control enabled
*ooooooo to *******o1 to 7 times blinking with a breakcurrently not used
Status LED description

User LED D2 is controlled via the CRUVI signal B0_N:  
LED0 <= B0_N;

Appx. A: Change History and Legal Notices

Document Change History

To get content of older revision go to "Change History" of this page and select older document revision number.

Revision Changes

DateDocument RevisionCPLD Firmware RevisionSupported PCB RevisionAuthorsDescription

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initial version


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Legal Notices

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Please also note our data protection declaration at

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The material contained in this document is provided “as is” and is subject to being changed at any time without notice. Trenz Electronic does not warrant the accuracy and completeness of the materials in this document. Further, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Trenz Electronic disclaims all warranties, either express or implied, with regard to this document and any information contained herein, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non infringement of intellectual property. Trenz Electronic shall not be liable for errors or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, use, or performance of this document or of any information contained herein.

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In no event will Trenz Electronic, its suppliers, or other third parties mentioned in this document be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, those resulting from lost profits, lost data or business interruption) arising out of the use, inability to use, or the results of use of this document, any documents linked to this document, or the materials or information contained at any or all such documents. If your use of the materials or information from this document results in the need for servicing, repair or correction of equipment or data, you assume all costs thereof.

Copyright Notice

No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means (including electronic storage and retrieval or translation into a foreign language) without prior agreement and written consent from Trenz Electronic.

Technology Licenses

The hardware / firmware / software described in this document are furnished under a license and may be used /modified / copied only in accordance with the terms of such license.

Environmental Protection

To confront directly with the responsibility toward the environment, the global community and eventually also oneself. Such a resolution should be integral part not only of everybody's life. Also enterprises shall be conscious of their social responsibility and contribute to the preservation of our common living space. That is why Trenz Electronic invests in the protection of our Environment.



Trenz Electronic is a manufacturer and a distributor of electronic products. It is therefore a so called downstream user in the sense of REACH. The products we supply to you are solely non-chemical products (goods). Moreover and under normal and reasonably foreseeable circumstances of application, the goods supplied to you shall not release any substance. For that, Trenz Electronic is obliged to neither register nor to provide safety data sheet. According to present knowledge and to best of our knowledge, no SVHC (Substances of Very High Concern) on the Candidate List are contained in our products. Furthermore, we will immediately and unsolicited inform our customers in compliance with REACH - Article 33 if any substance present in our goods (above a concentration of 0,1 % weight by weight) will be classified as SVHC by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA).


Trenz Electronic GmbH herewith declares that all its products are developed, manufactured and distributed RoHS compliant.


Information for users within the European Union in accordance with Directive 2002/96/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 January 2003 on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE).

Users of electrical and electronic equipment in private households are required not to dispose of waste electrical and electronic equipment as unsorted municipal waste and to collect such waste electrical and electronic equipment separately. By the 13 August 2005, Member States shall have ensured that systems are set up allowing final holders and distributors to return waste electrical and electronic equipment at least free of charge. Member States shall ensure the availability and accessibility of the necessary collection facilities. Separate collection is the precondition to ensure specific treatment and recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment and is necessary to achieve the chosen level of protection of human health and the environment in the European Union. Consumers have to actively contribute to the success of such collection and the return of waste electrical and electronic equipment. Presence of hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment results in potential effects on the environment and human health. The symbol consisting of the crossed-out wheeled bin indicates separate collection for waste electrical and electronic equipment.

Trenz Electronic is registered under WEEE-Reg.-Nr. DE97922676.

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