Template Revision 1.0 - on construction

For carrier - module combination, create main getting started page for carrier Design Name always "TE Series Name" +Getting Started, for example "TE0701 Getting started" and add carrier/module combination in the description → link on the module resource page also

For whole board,  use the board name, for example "TEBF0911 Getting Started"

In this section you must explain how to power on the board and run the Reference Design (test board) on the particular module. The main points must be mentioned are:

  • Overview of the board (point out the LEDs, Ethernets, Switches and etc on the board overview)
  • Explain Switches functionality
  • Explain user LEDs
  • Explain the UART connection

  • Refer to the Reference Design

    For more information regarding how to draw a diagram, Please refer to "Diagram Drawing Guidline" .

Table of Contents


Basic instructions to work with TEI0022.

Functionality of buttons, DIP switches, LEDs depends on CPLD Firmware.

Board Overview

1U10 - Intel Cyclone V 15J5 - Micro USB for UART
2U26...27 - DDR3 for Fabric16U21 - USB to JTAG FTDI


U28...29 - DDR3 for HPS17J13 - Micro USB for JTAG
4J4 - FMC18J7...10 / J15 / J17...18 - SMA Connector
5P1...4 - PMOD19S1, S3...5 - Button
6J3 - SD Card20LEDs
7U1 - Ethernet PHY21S2 / S7...8 - DIP Switch
8J1 - Ethernet RJ4522J6 - Power Jack
9U8 - USB PHY23U48 - Oscillator
10U33 - USB HUB24U3 - Programmable Clock Generator
11J2/ J12 - USB Connector25U6 - QSPI
12U23 - HDMI Transmitter26U15 - QSPI
13J11 - HDMI Connector27U54 - Power Monitoring
14U41 - Intel MAX 1028U38 - EEPROM

Power supply

The input power supply must be mentioned.

Single +12.0 V power supply is needed to power on the board at power jack J6. Current depends manly on design and cooling solution. Use Intel Power Estimator and/or Your Intel Quartus Prime Project to estimate min current. Minimum of 3A are recommanded for basic functionality.

DIP-Switches and Push Buttons

Explain all DIP switches functionality.

There is a switch (S??) which is connected to RESET signal, it resets the system entirely.

Overview 7DefaultDescriptionActive Level
S4-1OFFSoC PUDC, ON (low - internal FPGA pull ups enabled), OFF (high - internal FPGA pull ups disabled)
S4-3OFFJTAGEN  ON (CPLD access), OFF (FMC access)
S4-4ONEnable on board 5V permanently

There is no DIPs on TExxxx. In case of TE0790 (XMOD) usage, see DIPs mode.


Explain all Jumpers functionality and connection.

DesignatorConnected toB2BNote



Explain all user LEDs functionality and connections.

There are three user LEDs which can be used for variant purposes.

DesignatorColorConnected toB2BActive LevelNote

DesignatorColorConnected toActive LevelNote

DesignatorColorConnected toActive LevelNote


Explain JTAG or UART connection breifly.

JTAG and UART connections are available through mini USB connector.


Connected to

B2B Pin

XMOD Header JB?DirectionNote

Reference Designs

In this Section you must refer to the Reference Design (Test board) for the particular module.

For Example: TE0728 Reference Designs


In this Section you must refer to the Resources Page for the particular module.

For Example: TE0728 Resources