
This guide shows the main components of the TE0802 module and introduces the first steps to get the provided reference design up and running. 

This module TE00802 has a Xilinx Zynq Ultrascale+ and several hardware features onboard that allows you to create digital hardware and software designs. For communication and configuration the module board offers a JTAG/UART Interface.

Module TE0802


  • TE0802 module
  • power supply (5V)
  • MicroUSB cable
  • 3.5mm earphone jack (optional)
  • VGA cable (optional)
  • ethernet cable
  • display port cable (optional)
  • USB keyboard (optional)
  • SD card
  • M.2 NVMe SSD (optional)


Hardware Features and Overview

MPSoCXilinx Zynq UltraScale+
  • Speed Grade: -1
  • Temperature Grade: Extended (0 to +100 °C)
Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+
  • Speed Grade: -1
  • Temperature Grade: Extended (0 to +100 °C)
  • 1 GByte LPDDR4
  • 32 MByte SPI Flash
  • MicroSD-Karte
  • M2 PCIe SSD support
  • DisplayPort
  • VGA
  • 4-digit 7-segment LED
  • 8 LEDs
  • 3.5 mm earphone jack (PWM output)
  • 2x Pmod
Communication & Debug
  • USB 3.0 Host (type A connector)
  • 1GB Ethernet RJ45
  • 5 push buttons
  • 8 bit slide switches
  • Reset button

TE0802 Hardware overview

Information on IO routing and FPGA pin connections can be found in the

Reference Design - Introduction

The provided reference design "TE0802 test board" we are introducing in this Getting started guide interacts with most of the peripheral on the module. It shows as an example how to connect the different parts of the module to simplify the development of your own application. You can use it for your own design but keep in mind the overall FPGA resources and power consumption before deployment. The most important steps to get it up and running from the scratch are explained on TE0802 Test Board. The Download is available here.

An overview of the components used in this reference design is illustrated in the following figure:

Block Design

Hardware Setup and Power up in QSPI-Boot mode


  1. Download the source code and configuration files for "TE0802 test_board" reference design. Ensure that your download files match your Vivado version.
  2. Check the settings from DIP-Switch S1 (JTAG):

  3. Run _create_win_setup.cmd/_create_linux_setup.sh and follow instructions on shell:

    ------------------------Set design paths----------------------------
    -- Run Design with: _create_win_setup
    -- Use Design Path: <absolute project path>
    -------------------------TE Reference Design---------------------------
    -- (0)  Module selection guide, project creation...prebuilt export...
    -- (1)  Create minimum setup of CMD-Files and exit Batch
    -- (2)  Create maximum setup of CMD-Files and exit Batch
    -- (3)  (internal only) Dev
    -- (4)  (internal only) Prod
    -- (c)  Go to CMD-File Generation (Manual setup)
    -- (d)  Go to Documentation (Web Documentation)
    -- (g)  Install Board Files from Xilinx Board Store (beta)
    -- (a)  Start design with unsupported Vivado Version (beta)
    -- (x)  Exit Batch (nothing is done!)
    Select (ex.:'0' for module selection guide):
  4. Press '0' and enter to start "Module Selection Guide"
    1. Select your assembly version
    2. validate selection
    3. press '2' and enter to "create Vivado project" and "create and open delivery binary folder"
  5. Depending on the preferred application, continue with chapter "Linux in QSPI-Boot mode" or "'Hello Trenz' in QSPI-Boot mode"

Linux in QSPI-Boot mode

  1. Connect the MicroUSB cable from your module board with your PC
  2. Connect peripherals to devices
    • VGA, display port → monitor
    • USB → keyboard
    • ...
  3. Connect the module board with the power supply (5V)
  4. Power on module board
  5. Program 'u-boot' application on QSPI flash

    run on Vivado TCL (Script programs BOOT.bin on QSPI flash)
    TE::pr_program_flash -swapp u-boot
  6. Power off module board
  7. Copy image.ub, init.sh and boot.scr on SD card (e.g. <project folder>\test_board\_binaries_TE0802-02-2AEV2-A\boot_linux)
  8. Switch the DIP-Switch S1 to QSPI-Boot mode

  9. Insert the SD card into the module board
  10. Power on the module board

  11. In case the QSPI Flash is loaded with the reference design, you can connect to the board with a program like PuTTY. Just open up a serial session with baudrate of 115200 and the right COM port (visible in Device Manager).

    Terminal example
  12. Boot process

    1. Zynq Boot ROM loads FSBL from QSPI into OCM,

    2. FSBL init PS, programs PL using the bitstream and loads U-boot from QSPI into DDR,
    3. U-boot loads Linux (image.ub) from SD into DDR
  13. For usage instructions please refer to chapter Linux application

'Hello Trenz' in QSPI-Boot mode

  1. Connect the MicroUSB cable from your module board with your PC
  2. Connect the module board with the power supply (5V)

  3. Power on module board

  4. Program 'hello_te0802' application on QSPI flash

    run on Vivado TCL (Script programs BOOT.bin on QSPI flash)
    TE::pr_program_flash -swapp hello_te0802
  5. Switch the DIP-Switch S1 to QSPI-Boot mode:

  6. Restart the module board

  7. In case the QSPI Flash is loaded with the reference design, you can connect to the board with a program like PuTTY. Just open up a serial session with baudrate of 115200 and the right COM-port (visible in Device Manager).

    Terminal example

Hardware Setup and Power up in SD-Boot mode

Linux in SD-Boot mode

  1. Download the source code and configuration files for "TE0802 test_board" reference design. Ensure that your download files match your Vivado version.
  2. Run _create_win_setup.cmd/_create_linux_setup.sh and follow instructions on shell:

    ------------------------Set design paths----------------------------
    -- Run Design with: _create_win_setup
    -- Use Design Path: <absolute project path>
    -------------------------TE Reference Design---------------------------
    -- (0)  Module selection guide, project creation...prebuilt export...
    -- (1)  Create minimum setup of CMD-Files and exit Batch
    -- (2)  Create maximum setup of CMD-Files and exit Batch
    -- (3)  (internal only) Dev
    -- (4)  (internal only) Prod
    -- (c)  Go to CMD-File Generation (Manual setup)
    -- (d)  Go to Documentation (Web Documentation)
    -- (g)  Install Board Files from Xilinx Board Store (beta)
    -- (a)  Start design with unsupported Vivado Version (beta)
    -- (x)  Exit Batch (nothing is done!)
    Select (ex.:'0' for module selection guide):
  3. Press '0' and enter to start "Module Selection Guide"
    1. Select your assembly version
    2. validate selection
    3. press '1' and enter to "create and open delivery binary folder"
  4. Connect the MicroUSB cable from your module board with your PC
  5. Connect peripherals to devices
    • VGA, display port → monitor
    • USB → keyboard
    • ...
  6. Connect the module board with the power supply (5V)
  7. Copy BOOT.bin, image.ub, init.sh and boot.scr on SD card (e.g. <project folder>\test_board\_binaries_TE0802-02-2AEV2-A\boot_linux)
  8. Switch the DIP-Switch S1 to SD-Boot mode

  9. Insert the SD card into the module board
  10. Power on the module board

  11. You can connect to the board with a program like PuTTY. Just open up a serial session with baudrate of 115200 and the right COM port (visible in Device Manager).

    Terminal example
  12. Boot process

    1. Zynq Boot ROM loads FSBL from SD into OCM,

    2. FSBL init PS, programs PL using the bitstream and loads U-boot from SD into DDR,
    3. U-boot loads Linux (image.ub) from SD into DDR
  13. For usage instructions please refer to chapter Linux application

Linux Application

After the Linux boot is complete, you can use the Linux shell and the connected peripherals


use linux shell
i2cdetect -l        (Shows a list of the available I2C buses)
i2cdetect -y -r 1   (check I2C 1 Bus)

Real Time Clock (RTC)

use linux shell
dmesg | grep rtc    (RTC check)
hwclock --test


use linux shell
udhcpc              (ETH0 check)
ifconfig			(shows the configuration of the network interface)


use linux shell
lsusb               (USB check)

PCIe (M.2 SSD)

use linux shell
lspci               (PCIe check)


use linux shell
aplay /<link to mounted sd card>/<filename>.wav  (e.g. aplay /run/mount/sd/<filename>.wav)

Display Port must be connected to activate audio drivers. Use .wav or other aplay supported formate


  • connect VGA to monitor and adjust source (it shows test pattern)

Display Port

  • second linux console output will be shown on the monitor, when boot process is finished.
  • connect keyboard to TE0802 USB, to interact with the second console
    • petalinux login: root
    • password: root


Startup Script

  • If there is a start script named 'init.sh' on the SD card, it is loaded and executed shortly before the Linux boot process is completed.
  • User bash code can be inserted on 'init.sh'

Monitoring input clock (25MHz)

  • Open Vivado HW-Manager and add VIO signal to dashboard (*.ltx located on prebuilt folder)
  • changed Value from 25MHz CLK to unsigned. Note: Frequency Counter is inaccurate and displayed unit is Hz

    Vivado Hardware Manager


  • The user LEDs indicate a binary counter, which is reset by pressing one of the cross buttons

7-Segment LCD Display

  • LCD is connected to counter


  • Determines the reset start value from the binary counter of userLEDs


Document Revision History



Error rendering macro 'page-info'

Ambiguous method overloading for method jdk.proxy241.$Proxy3497#hasContentLevelPermission. Cannot resolve which method to invoke for [null, class java.lang.String, class com.atlassian.confluence.pages.Page] due to overlapping prototypes between: [interface com.atlassian.confluence.user.ConfluenceUser, class java.lang.String, class com.atlassian.confluence.core.ContentEntityObject] [interface com.atlassian.user.User, class java.lang.String, class com.atlassian.confluence.core.ContentEntityObject]

Error rendering macro 'page-info'

Ambiguous method overloading for method jdk.proxy241.$Proxy3497#hasContentLevelPermission. Cannot resolve which method to invoke for [null, class java.lang.String, class com.atlassian.confluence.pages.Page] due to overlapping prototypes between: [interface com.atlassian.confluence.user.ConfluenceUser, class java.lang.String, class com.atlassian.confluence.core.ContentEntityObject] [interface com.atlassian.user.User, class java.lang.String, class com.atlassian.confluence.core.ContentEntityObject]

  • initial release

Error rendering macro 'page-info'

Ambiguous method overloading for method jdk.proxy241.$Proxy3497#hasContentLevelPermission. Cannot resolve which method to invoke for [null, class java.lang.String, class com.atlassian.confluence.pages.Page] due to overlapping prototypes between: [interface com.atlassian.confluence.user.ConfluenceUser, class java.lang.String, class com.atlassian.confluence.core.ContentEntityObject] [interface com.atlassian.user.User, class java.lang.String, class com.atlassian.confluence.core.ContentEntityObject]


Error rendering macro 'page-info'

Ambiguous method overloading for method jdk.proxy241.$Proxy3497#hasContentLevelPermission. Cannot resolve which method to invoke for [null, class java.lang.String, class com.atlassian.confluence.pages.Page] due to overlapping prototypes between: [interface com.atlassian.confluence.user.ConfluenceUser, class java.lang.String, class com.atlassian.confluence.core.ContentEntityObject] [interface com.atlassian.user.User, class java.lang.String, class com.atlassian.confluence.core.ContentEntityObject]

Revision history.

Table of contents

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