Scroll Title |
anchor | Table_OBP_QSPI |
title | Quad SPI Flash memory interface |
Scroll Table Layout |
orientation | portrait |
sortDirection | ASC |
repeatTableHeaders | default |
style | |
widths | |
sortByColumn | 1 |
sortEnabled | false |
cellHighlighting | true |
Signal Schematic Name | Connected to | Notes |
F_CS | FPGA bank 8, pin B3 | chip select | F_CLK | FPGA bank 8, pin A3 | clock | F_DI | FPGA bank 8, pin A2 | data in / out | nSTATUS | FPGA bank 8, pin C4 | data in / out, configuration dual-purpose pin of FPGA | DEVCLRN | FPGA bank 8, pin B9 | data in / out, configuration dual-purpose pin of FPGA | F_DO | FPGA bank 8, pin B2 | data in / out |
The configuration of FTDI FT2232H chip is pre-programmed on the EEPROM U9.