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CPLD Device with designator U21: LCMX02-256HC

Feature Summary

  • JTAG routing
  • Boot Mode settings
  • LED

Firmware Revision and supported PCB Revision

See Document Change History

Product Specification

Port Description

Name / opt. VHD NameDirectionPinPullup/DownBank PowerDescription


PCB REV04 REV05 Connection

PCB REV01 REV02 Connection





RST_EN      inout


27NONE3.3VINReset pin output to reset FPGA via CPLD chip

For PCB REV04 EN1(input) (pulled up in CPLD) / For PCB REV05 REST_EN(output) (Floating in CPLD)

Power Enable from B2B Connector (Positive Enable


) (input pin) for PCB revision 04  in this case used only for PGOOD feedback  / Reset pin  (output pin) for PCB revision 5  in this case this pin is reset pin that is activated by firmware and not by hardware after changing the boot mode via software.

User_LEDout4NONE3.3VINuser defined or status, see LED description
For PCB REV04 shows the state of X1 and X0. / For PCB REV05 shows the boot mode state for selection via hardware (Dip switch in carrier board) or via software (related command in linux console or  FSBL code)1.8V input ERR_OUT(PS_ERROR_OUT)




This pin is used as power good (input)Unused in CPLD firmware for PCB REV04( In hardware is pulled up) / Used in PCB REV05 as power good  input pin1.8V  input ERR_STATUS as input
JTAGEN    in26---3.3VINEnable JTAG access to CPLD for Firmware update (zero: JTAG routed to module, one: CPLD access)

MODE      in25UP3.3VINBoot Mode for Zynq/ZynqMP Devices (Flash or SD)

MODE0     out12DOWN1.8VZynqMP Boot Mode Pin 0

MODE1     out13DOWN1.8VZynqMP Boot Mode Pin 1

MODE2     out14DOWN1.8VZynqMP Boot Mode Pin 2

MODE3     out16DOWN1.8VZynqMP Boot Mode Pin  3

NOSEQ     inout23UP3.3VIN


Usage CPLD Variant dependsUsed as GPIO pin by user. This pin can be written or read via i2cset command in linux console or FSBl code functions.Used as boot mode selection pin, if CPLD is programmed using SC0820_qspi_sd_jtag.jed jed-file.


inout28UP3.3VINModule Power Good (only Feedback from EN1 for PCB revision 4 or older). / For PCB revision 5 is used as boot mode selection pin or power good pin (feedback from PG_ALL pin)Module Power Good (only Feedback from EN1 for PCB revision 4 or older). / Boot mode selection pin for PCB REV05
PHY_LED1  in17---1.8VETH PHY LED1 / currently_not_used

TCK     out9DOWN1.8VJTAG ZynqMP

TDI       out8DOWN1.8VJTAG ZynqMP

TDO       in10DOWN1.8VJTAG ZynqMP

TMS       out11DOWN1.8VJTAG ZynqMP

X0        in20UPVCCO_65


I2C SCL pinUsed as tri-state enable-input  for User_LED pin for PCB REV04 / Used as i2c SCL pin for PCB REV05 
X1        inout21UPVCCO_65I2C SDA pinUsed as tri-state input  for User_LED pin for PCB REV04 / Used as i2c SDA pin for PCB REV05


Functional Description


JTAG signals routed directly through the CPLD to FPGA. Access between CPLD and FPGA can be multiplexed via JTAGEN (logical one for CPLD, logical zero for FPGA) on JM1-89.

Boot Mode



mode can be set either by hardware (dip-switch) on the carrier board or by firmware in linux console or FSBL code. Even after booting boot mode can be changed . After changing the boot mode FPGA is restarted automatically by CPLD, if PCB revision is REV05, otherwise for PCB revision 4  user must reset manually to execute boot mode changing correctly.To change boot mode a state machine  continuously monitors the corresponding register that can be change via I2C interface between CPLD and FPGA.

Change methodBoot ModeCPLD PGOOD Pin (B2B Pin JM1-30)CPLD MODE Pin (B2B Pin JM1-32)Description
HardwareSD Card10

Change methodBoot ModeCommand in linux consoleCommand in FSBLDescription
i2cset -y 1 0x20 0x01 0x91
0x20 is device address. 0x01 is register address.
SoftwareSD Card
i2cset -y 1 0x20 0x01 0x93
0x20 is device address. 0x01 is register address.
i2cset -y 1 0x20 0x01 0x92
0x20 is device address. 0x01 is register address.
i2cset -y 1 0x20 0x01 0x90
0x20 is device address. 0x01 is register address.

If PCB revision is  REV04, then user must reset manually the carrier board after changing the boot mode using i2cset command in linux console. If PCB revision is REV05, it is not necessary to reset the FPGA by user, because FPGA will be reset automatically via CPLD after changing the boot mode via i2cset command in linux console.



(default Firmware)


For other UltraScale+ Boot Modes options custom firmware is needed, see also Table 11.1 Boot Modes from Xilinx UG1085.


A special FSBL is provided on 2017.4 or newer reference designs to write boot image to QSPI with Xilinx tools (Vivado or SDK) on Boot Mode unequal JTAG .


NOSEQ*: Please check the carrier board documentation, before using the SD/QSPI/JTAG  firmware variant on TE0820. In the most cases special carrier CPLD firmware is needed.




For PCB revision 4 or older PGOOD depends on EN1. There is no additional power management controlled by CPLD. For PCB revision 5 PGOOD depends on PG_ALL signal.


Green LED D2 glows depending on boot mode and whether boot mode is selected by hardware or firmware.

LED stateCondition


*It's recommended to forward this signal to a carrier LED if status check is needed.


Related commandDescription
OFFJTAG boot mode and software boot mode selection not activeBoot mode is adjusted by dip switch on the carrier board. CPLD_BM = '0'
Blink sequence *oooooooQSPI boot mode and software boot mode selection not activeBoot mode is adjusted by dip switch on the carrier board. CPLD_BM = '0'
Blink sequence **ooooooeMMC boot mode and software boot mode selection not activeBoot mode is adjusted by dip switch on the carrier board. CPLD_BM = '0'
Blink sequence ***oooooSD card boot mode and software boot mode selection not activeBoot mode is adjusted by dip switch on the carrier board. CPLD_BM = '0'
Blink sequence ****ooooJTAG boot mode and software boot mode selection active
i2cset -y 1 0x20 0x01 0x91   in linux console
 CPLD_BM = '1'
Blink sequence *****oooQSPI boot mode and software boot mode selection active
i2cset -y 1 0x20 0x01 0x92   in linux console
 CPLD_BM = '1'
Blink sequence


********eMMC boot mode and software boot mode selection active
i2cset -y 1 0x20 0x01 0x93   in linux console
 CPLD_BM = '1'


ONSD card boot mode and software boot mode selection active
i2cset -y 1 0x20 0x01 0x90   in linux console
 CPLD_BM = '1'

Note: asterisk mean one blink. So for example **oooooo mean 2 time blink with a longer break(with the time of 6 blinks)

I2C interface

CPLD firmware consists of a i2c t GPIO block. This subsystem provides i2c protocol interface to  32-bit (4 x 8-bit) (GPIO_input[31:0]) registers for reading from CPLD and (4 x 8-bit) (GPIO_output[31:0]) registers for writing in CPLD as general purpose parallel input and output (I/Os). The written and read data is communicated from/to FPGA via i2c bus interface protocol. The address of this block in the firmware is 0x20.In this case related i2c bus is bus 1. Diagram

RegisterDirection in CPLDAddress
GPIO_input[7:0]Output (reading from CPLD)0x00
GPIO_input[15:8]Output (reading from CPLD)0x01
GPIO_input[23:16]Output (reading from CPLD)0x02
GPIO_input[31:24]Output (reading from CPLD)0x03
GPIO_output[7:0]Input (writing to CPLD)0x00
GPIO_output[15:8]Input (writing to CPLD)0x01
GPIO_output[23:16]Input (writing to CPLD)0x02
GPIO_output[31:24]Input (writing to CPLD)0x03


This pin in PCB REV04 with old CPLD firmware version (REV04) is  used as boot mode pin select. If  CPLD is programmed with SC0820_qspi_sd_jtag.jed as jed file and  NOSEQ is  high, JTAG boot mode will be selected. For PCB REV05 or PCB REV04 with new CPLD firmware (CPLD firmware REV05) NOSEQ pin can be used by user as GPIO pin and accessed via i2c interface. In this case the following table can be used:

NOSEQ pin as outputConditionCommand in linux console
'1'GPIO_output(16) = '1'
i2cset -y 1 0x20 0x02 0x01
'0'GPIO_output(16) = '0'
i2cset -y 1 0x20 0x02 0x00
NOSEQ pin as inputDescriptionCommand in linux console
Reading state of NOSEQ pinGPIO_input(16) = NOSEQ
i2cget -y 1 0x20 0x02

Access to CPLD Registers

CPLD registers can be accessed via i2c interface. In the following table is shown how these registers can be read or written:

RegisterDirection in CPLDAddressRelated instruction in linux console to access the register
GPIO_input[7:0]Output (reading from CPLD)0x00i2cget -y 1 0x20 0x00
GPIO_input[15:8]Output (reading from CPLD)0x01i2cget -y 1 0x20 0x01
GPIO_input[23:16]Output (reading from CPLD)0x02i2cget -y 1 0x20 0x02
GPIO_input[31:24]Output (reading from CPLD)0x03i2cget -y 1 0x20 0x03
GPIO_output[7:0]Input (writing to CPLD)0x00i2cset -y 1 0x20 0x00 <data>
GPIO_output[15:8]Input (writing to CPLD)0x01i2cset -y 1 0x20 0x01 <data>
GPIO_output[23:16]Input (writing to CPLD)0x02i2cset -y 1 0x20 0x02 <data>
GPIO_output[31:24]Input (writing to CPLD)0x03

i2cset -y 1 0x20 0x03 <data>

Some of these registers are using to show some information same as  CPLD revision and boot mode while booting.

RegisterAddressrelated  dataRead/write by userDescription
GPIO_input[7:0]0x00CPLD REVISION (8 bits)No
GPIO_input[15:8]0x01"00" & BOOTMODE_GEN (2 bits) &  PUDC (1 bit) & CPLD_BM (1 bit) & BOOT_MODE (2 bits)No

BOOTMODE_GEN is a generic parameter in firmware code to select type of jed-file. For example if this parameter is 3 , then by programming the related jed-file the user can have all boot mode options. (QSPI/JTAG/SD Card/eMMC).

PUDC is the state of PUDC pin of FPGA.

CPLD_BM is a parameter to show if boot mode selection is executed via hardware ( if low) or software (if high)

BOOT_MODE shows selected boot mode.

GPIO_input8[16]0x02NOSEQ pinYes
RegisterAddressrelated data
GPIO_output[16]0x02NOSEQ pinYes

If CPLD firmware version is  REV05, then boot mode, CPLD revision and some features of the board will be displayed in the linux console via FSBL code  while booting. The format of these informations are shown in the following:

InformationDisplayed in Linux consoleDescription
CPLD RevisionCPLD_REV = <cpld revision>
Boot mode selection procedureCPLD_BM = < bm selection procedure>
  • If boot mode via hardware is selected → Deactive(0)
  • If boot mode via software (in linux console or via FSBL code) is selected → Active(1)
Jed file that on CPLD is programmedBOOTMODE_GEN = < jed file type>
  • Jed file type can be one of the following types :
    • (0) QSPI/SD
    • (1) QSPI/JTAG
    • (2) JTAG/SD
    • (3) default QSPI/JTAG/SD/eMMC
PUDC pin statePUDC_MODE = <pudc state>
  • PUDC can have one of the following state:
    • Pull-up activated (0)
    • Pull-up deactivated (1)
Boot modeBOOT_MODE = <boot mode>
  • The following boot modes can displayed:
    • eMMC (0)
    • JTAG (1)
    • QSPI (2)
    • SD Card (3)

The CPLD revision, boot mode and other informations will be displayed while booting as shown:

Scroll Title
titleAll information while booting

Image Added

If PCB revision is REV04 and  CPLD firmware version is older than REV05 (for example REV04) , then it will not be displayed these informations same as  boot mode while booting and the following message will be displayed:

Scroll Title
titleMessage while booting if CPLD firmware version is old for PCB REV04

Image Added


Appx. A: Change History

For PCB REV01 and REV02 Documentation available on: TE0820-REV01_REV02 CPLD

Revision Changes

  • REV04 to REV05
    • Adding configuration of boot mode in linux console and via generic parameters

    •  PGOOD pin used as boot mode selector pin.

    • Adding boot mode configuration via hardware 

    • JTAG time constraint correction

    • Adding i2c to gpio ip (i2c_slave.vhd)

    • LED function is changed.

    • New generic parameter defined : PCB_REV

    • EN1 pin

      • is renamed to RST_EN.

      • pin is input for PCB_REV=4 and it is enable pin same as before.

      • is reset output for PCB_REV=5 or newer.

  • REV03 to REV04
    • PCB REV03 support only
    • X1 is input for USER LED

    • X0 select  X0 or Firmware Blink status to User LE

    • blink modes for QSPI/SD firmware

  • REV02 to REV03
    • new Boot Mode variants
    • new X0 status blink sequencing
  • REV01 to REV02
    • Boot Mode variants
    • X1
    • Remove ERR_STATUS

Document Change History

To get content of older revision  got to "Change History"  of this page and select older document revision number.

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DateDocument RevisionCPLD Firmware RevisionSupported PCB RevisionAuthorsDescription

Page info





Page info



Page info

  • add LED Designator Note



REV05REV04,REV05Mohsen Chamanbaz
  • REV05 release
  • Firmware release for PCB REV04 (
  • Firmware release for PCB REV05 (
  • Firmware release ()
  • Access to boot mode in linux console or FSBl code
  • Indicating CPLD revision , boot mode and PUDC state while booting
2018-08-29v.2REV04REV03John Hartfiel
  • typo correction

v.1REV04REV03John Hartfiel
  • Revision 04 finished
  • separate page for PCB REV01 and REV02



Page info

  • Initial release


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