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The Trenz Electronic TEF0008 is a FPGA to Mezzanine Card (FMC) based on VITA 57.1 FMC HPC Standard, with four SFP+ 10Gb ports for fiber optical SFP modules. It is inteded for use on a FMC HPC carrier and can not be used stand-alone.

Key Features

  • Four SFP+ 10Gb ports
  • HPC FMC connector
  • Low jitter programmable clock generator
  • Intel(Altera) Max10 FPGA 10M08SAU169C8G
  • Status LED (green)

Block Diagram

Figure 1: TEF0008-01 block diagram.

Main Components

Figure 2: TEF0008-01 FMC overview.

Table 1: TEF0008-01 main components.

  1. MAX10 FPGA, U5
  2. Programmable low jitter clock generator Si5354A, U2
  3. Status LED (green), D1
  4. 3.3V to 1.8V DCDC converter, U6
  5. Quad SFP+ cage and connectors, J4-J7
  6. 1x6 pin header for JTAG programming of FPGA (3.3V), J3
  7. 1x3 pin header for I²C (1.8V), J1
  8. XTAL 54.0000 MHz (CX3225SB), Y1
  9. Oszillator 25.000000 MHz (SiT8008B), U1
  10. HPC FMC connector, J2
  11. 128KBit EEPROM, U4
  12. Testpoints Max10, TP7-TP9
  13. Testpoints JTAG, TP1-TP4
  14. Testpoints Power, TP5, TP6, TP10

Initial Delivery State

Storage device name



Max10 FPGA 10M08SAU169C8G

ProgrammedU5. Level shifter and controlller functions.

Clock generator



U2. OUT0 25MHz, OUT2 125MHz, OUT7 156.25 MHz, OUT8 156.25MHz, OUT9 125MHz.



emptyU4, IPMI and VITA57.1 compatible.

Table 2: Initial delivery state of programmable devices on the module.

Boot Process

The MAX10 FPGA boots form its internal configuration flash memory, which is programmable via JTAG (J3).

Signals, Interfaces and Pins

Board to Board (B2B) I/Os

I/O signals connected to the FPGA I/O bank and B2B connector: 

BankTypeB2B ConnectorI/O Signal CountBank VoltageNotes
3GPI/OsJ220 I/OsVADJSupplied by the carrier board.

Table 3: General overview of I/O signals connected to the B2B connectors.

MGT Lanes

MGT (Multi Gigabit Transceiver) lane consists of one transmit and one receive (TD/RD) differential pairs, two signals each or four signals total per one MGT lane. Following table lists lane number, MGT bank number, transceiver type, signal schematic name, and HPC FMC Pin:

LaneSFP+Signal NameHPC FMC Pin
  • J2-C6
  • J2-C7
  • J2-C2
  • J2-C3
  • J2-A2
  • J2-A3
  • J2-A22
  • J2-A23
  • J2-A6
  • J2-A7
  • J2-A26
  • J2-A27
  • J2-A10
  • J2-A11
  • J2-A30
  • J2-A31

Table 4: MGT lanes.

Below are listed MGT banks reference clock sources.

Clock signalSourceHPC FMC PinNotes
GBTCLK0_PU2-51J2-D4, GBTCLK0_M2C_POn-board Si5345A.
GBTCLK0_NU2-50J2-D5, GBTCLK0_M2C_NOn-board Si5345A.
GBTCLK1_PU2-31J2-B20, GBTCLK1_M2C_POn-board Si5345A.
GBTCLK1_NU2-30J2-B21, GBTCLK1_M2C_NOn-board Si5345A.

Table 5: MGT reference clock sources.

SFP+ Control Interface

Follwowing table contains a brief description of the control and status signals of the SFP+ connectors:

Signal Schematic NameFPGA DirectionDescriptionLogic
SFPx_TX_DISABLEOutputSFP Enabled / DisabledLow active
SFPx_LOSInputLoss of receiver signalHigh active
SFPx_RS0OutputFull RX bandwidthLow active
SFPx_RS1OutputReduced RX bandwidthLow active
SFPx_M-DEF0InputModule present / not presentLow active
SFPx_TX_FAULTInputFault / Normal OperationHigh active
SFPx_SDABiDir2-wire Serial Interface Data-
SFPx_SCLOutput (BiDir)2-wire Serial Interface Clock-

Up to 100kHz the modules operate without clock streching. Therfore SCL can be implemented as driven by Master only.

JTAG Interface

JTAG access to the MAX10 FPGA is provided through HPC FMC Connector and an additional pin header connector as well as testpoints.

JTAG Signal


Pin HeaderTestpoints

Table 6: JTAG interface signals.

I2C Interface

On-board I2C devices are connected to the MAX10 FPGA for level shift and I²C MUX. Addresses for on-board devices are listed in the table below:

I2C DeviceI2C AddressNotes
 J4, SFP+ 1100001 / 1100000 Conventional SFP Memory / Enhanced Feature Set Memory, Device select via MAX10 FPGA implementation.
 J5, SFP+ 1100001 / 1100000 Conventional SFP Memory / Enhanced Feature Set Memory, Device select via MAX10 FPGA implementation.
 J6, SFP+ 1100001 / 1100000 Conventional SFP Memory / Enhanced Feature Set Memory, Device select via MAX10 FPGA implementation.
 J7, SFP+ 1100001 / 1100000 Conventional SFP Memory / Enhanced Feature Set Memory, Device select via MAX10 FPGA implementation.
U2, Si5345A1101001Level shifted via MAX10 FPGA, Device select via MAX10 FPGA implementation.
U4, EEPROM10100xxLast digits determined by carrier board via HPC FMC (C34 GA0, C35 GA1).1

Table 7: I2C slave device addresses.

1EEPROM FMC SDA and SCL are routed to the FPGA, but this will be removed in future releases due to  incompatible power requirments. (VAUX is not a suitable FPGA Bank supply, currently it is routed to a Bank with conflicting VADJ supply).

On-board Peripherals

Programmable Clock Generator

There is a Silicon Labs I2C programmable clock generator on-board (Si5345A, U2) to generate reference clocks for the module. Programming can be done using I2C via PIN header J1. The I2C bus is also routed to the MAX10 FPGA.

Si5345A Pin
Signal Name / Description
Connected ToDirectionNote


Reference input clock.

U1Input25.000000 MHz oscillator, Si8208AI
IN1-Not connected.InputNot used.



Not connected.InputNot used.


CLK2J2-K4/K5InputHPC FMC configured as C2M clock.



GNDInputI2C slave device address LSB.
XAXB-Y1Input54.0000 MHz XTAL CX3225SB




FPGA bank 2.

OUT1-Not connected.OutputNot used.
OUT2GBTCLK1J2-B20/B21OutputM2C via HPC FMC.
OUT3-Not connected.OutputNot used.
OUT4-Not connected.OutputNot used.
OUT5-Not connected.OutputNot used.


Not connected.


Not used.
OUT8CLK0J2-H4/H5OutputM2C via HPC FMC.
OUT9CLK1J2-G2/G3OutputM2C via HPC FMC.

 Table 8: Programmable clock generator inputs and outputs.


The module has following reference clock signals provided by on-board oscillators and external source from carrier board:

Clock SourceSchematic NameFrequencyClock Destination
SiTime SiT8008AI oscillator, U1-25.000000 MHzU2-63/64
Carrier board via HPC FMC J2-K4/K5CLK2Defined by carrier.U2-61/62

Table 9: Reference clock signals.


A Microchip 24LC128-I/LC serial EEPROM (U4) is provided for IPMI data. It is acceasible via the LPC FMC connector (SCL C30, SDA C31).

On-board LED

LED ColorConnected toDescription and Notes
D1Green U5-C2 (bank 1A)Depending on FPGA design. With the shiped FPGA design it is on if at least on SFP is connected.

Table 10: On-board LED.

Power and Power-On Sequence

Power Consumption

The maximum power consumption of a module depends on the design running on the FPGA.

VADJ (at 1.8V)TBD*



Table 11: Typical power consumption.

 * TBD - To Be Determined with reference design setup.

Power Distribution Dependencies

Regulator dependencies and max. current.

Figure 3: Module power distribution diagram.

Power Rails

Power Rail Name

HPC FMC Connector (J2)


3P3VD36, D38, D40, C39InputSupply voltage from carrier board.
1.8V-OutputModule on-board 1.8V voltage supply (Max 1A).
3P3VAUXD32InputSupply voltage from carrier board.


H40, G39, F40, E39InputSupply voltage from carrier board.
12VC35, C37InputNot used supply voltage from carrier board.

Table 12: Module power rails.

Bank Voltages


Schematic Name


Voltage Range



3VADJCarrier supplied1.2V - 3.3V

Table 13: Module PL I/O bank voltages.

Variants Currently In Production

 Module VariantFPGA

Operating Temperature

Temperature Range
 TE0008-0110M08SAU169C8G0°C to +85°CCommercial

Table 14: Module variants.

Technical Specifications

Absolute Maximum Ratings




Reference Document

Storage temperature





Table 15: Module absolute maximum ratings.

Operating Temperature Ranges

Commercial grade: 0°C to +70°C.

Physical Dimensions

  • Module size: 69 mm × 84 mm, SFP+ conector excluded (+ 5.5 mm). See Vita 57.1 standard.

  • PCB thickness: 1.6 mm.

  • Highest part on PCB top is 9.5 mm (SFP+ cage, excluded front plate),  bottom 1.4 mm (MAX10 FPGA). Please download the step model for exact numbers.

All dimensions are given in millimeters.

Figure 4: Module physical dimensions drawing

Mounting holes near the front pannel are not implemented due to physical restrictions caused by the SFP cage. The dimensions exceed in some area the by Vita 57.1 standard defined dimensions. In the middle region of the card the cage is higher than the specified max high for this area. Check carefully if the carrier card uses this space for other components conflicting mechanical.  The bottom side is at the high limit.

Revision History

Hardware Revision History



PCNDocumentation Link


Table 17: Module hardware revision history.

Hardware revision number can be found on the PCB board together with the module model number separated by the dash.

Figure 5: Module hardware revision number.

Document Change History





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Ambiguous method overloading for method jdk.proxy244.$Proxy3575#hasContentLevelPermission. Cannot resolve which method to invoke for [null, class java.lang.String, class com.atlassian.confluence.pages.Page] due to overlapping prototypes between: [interface com.atlassian.confluence.user.ConfluenceUser, class java.lang.String, class com.atlassian.confluence.core.ContentEntityObject] [interface com.atlassian.user.User, class java.lang.String, class com.atlassian.confluence.core.ContentEntityObject]

Author NameWhat changed?



Martin Rohrmüller

Initial document.


Jan Kumann, John Hartfiel

Table 18: Document change history.


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The material contained in this document is provided “as is” and is subject to being changed at any time without notice. Trenz Electronic does not warrant the accuracy and completeness of the materials in this document. Further, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Trenz Electronic disclaims all warranties, either express or implied, with regard to this document and any information contained herein, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non infringement of intellectual property. Trenz Electronic shall not be liable for errors or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, use, or performance of this document or of any information contained herein.

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No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means (including electronic storage and retrieval or translation into a foreign language) without prior agreement and written consent from Trenz Electronic.

Technology Licenses

The hardware / firmware / software described in this document are furnished under a license and may be used /modified / copied only in accordance with the terms of such license.

Environmental Protection

To confront directly with the responsibility toward the environment, the global community and eventually also oneself. Such a resolution should be integral part not only of everybody's life. Also enterprises shall be conscious of their social responsibility and contribute to the preservation of our common living space. That is why Trenz Electronic invests in the protection of our Environment.



Trenz Electronic is a manufacturer and a distributor of electronic products. It is therefore a so called downstream user in the sense of REACH. The products we supply to you are solely non-chemical products (goods). Moreover and under normal and reasonably foreseeable circumstances of application, the goods supplied to you shall not release any substance. For that, Trenz Electronic is obliged to neither register nor to provide safety data sheet. According to present knowledge and to best of our knowledge, no SVHC (Substances of Very High Concern) on the Candidate List are contained in our products. Furthermore, we will immediately and unsolicited inform our customers in compliance with REACH - Article 33 if any substance present in our goods (above a concentration of 0,1 % weight by weight) will be classified as SVHC by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA).


Trenz Electronic GmbH herewith declares that all its products are developed, manufactured and distributed RoHS compliant.


Information for users within the European Union in accordance with Directive 2002/96/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 January 2003 on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE).

Users of electrical and electronic equipment in private households are required not to dispose of waste electrical and electronic equipment as unsorted municipal waste and to collect such waste electrical and electronic equipment separately. By the 13 August 2005, Member States shall have ensured that systems are set up allowing final holders and distributors to return waste electrical and electronic equipment at least free of charge. Member States shall ensure the availability and accessibility of the necessary collection facilities. Separate collection is the precondition to ensure specific treatment and recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment and is necessary to achieve the chosen level of protection of human health and the environment in the European Union. Consumers have to actively contribute to the success of such collection and the return of waste electrical and electronic equipment. Presence of hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment results in potential effects on the environment and human health. The symbol consisting of the crossed-out wheeled bin indicates separate collection for waste electrical and electronic equipment.

Trenz Electronic is registered under WEEE-Reg.-Nr. DE97922676.

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Ambiguous method overloading for method jdk.proxy244.$Proxy3575#hasContentLevelPermission. Cannot resolve which method to invoke for [null, class java.lang.String, class com.atlassian.confluence.pages.Page] due to overlapping prototypes between: [interface com.atlassian.confluence.user.ConfluenceUser, class java.lang.String, class com.atlassian.confluence.core.ContentEntityObject] [interface com.atlassian.user.User, class java.lang.String, class com.atlassian.confluence.core.ContentEntityObject]

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