Modified TE0703 with TEM0007

Modification to use TEM0007 with Standard  4x5 TE0703 carrier.  Carrier without modifications will be  TEB2000 in the future


TEM0007 module is a Microchip Polarfire SoC  module. For more information about this module refer to TEM0007 TRM

Hardware overview

Required Hardware

TEM00071Microchip Polarfire SoC Module
Modified TE07031

Carrier board

Modified TE0703:

  • FTDI Firmware
  • Added second uart (uart0)
  • Additional Reset push button
TE07901Universal USB2.0 to JTAG/UART
Mini USB Cable2
RJ45 Ethernet Cable1
USB Stick1

Modification TE0703

It is necessary to modify the TE0703 carrier board for using TEM0007 module. In the following will be in detail discussed the modification of TE0703 carrier board.

SD Jumper

Jumper J11 must be set to 3.3V.

Set SD card voltage

It is recommended to use second UARD interface to see the HSS console. The UART pins mus be connected to XMOD module ( TE0790 ).  The TE0790 is a universal USB2.0 to JTAG/UART converter.For more infomation about this module refer to TE0790 TRM

For this purpose see the following table:
TE0703 PinSchematic labelTE0790 PinSchematic labelDescription

J2A-Pin A31 (TXD)

X17J2-Pin 3 (RXD)

J2A-Pin A30 (RXD)


J2-Pin 5 (TXD)B

This connection does not need to be connected if no data has to be entered in HSS console.

J2A-Pin A32 (GND)---J2-Pin 1---

Dip switch of TE0790 module must be set according to the following table:

TE0790 (XMOD)S2-1S2-2S2-3S2-4
S2 Dip Switch  StatusONOFFONON

Driver of FTDI chip must be reprogrammed. It must be mached with microchip FPGAs.


The following components of the TE0703 must be changed , if these don't exist on the board or other component is soldered :

ComponentArtikel NummerValueDesignator (Desoldering)Designator (Soldering)Description

USB connector

27235---J6J12Micro USB2 B 90° 
Choke24514---L87L4SMD Line Filter WE-CNSW-HF
Resistor227521k 1%R5R5
Capacitor262384.7uf  25VC5C5X7R AEC-Q200
Capacitor 262384.7uf 25VC27C27X7R AEC-Q200

USB schematic
Reset Button

It is installed a power reset button. But it is recommended to have a soft reset button optional. The recommended schematic consists of a push button with a pulled up resistor as shown:

Reset Schematic

Assembled Reset push button

PinTE0703 Schematic labelDescription
3.3VJ2B- Pin B1VG96 female header vertical
GNDJ2C-Pin C1VG96 female header vertical
RESETNJ2C-Pin C4VG96 female header vertical

Power supply

Supply voltageCurrentDesignatorDescription
5V2A*J13 on the carrier board

*Current is dependent on design and the used heatsink. This value is recommend value. 

DIP Switch of TE0703

In this case S2 dip switch of the carrier board TE0703 can be used for JTAG setting only and it will not be used to select boot mode.

OFFOFF11Access to TE0703 CPLD
OFFON10Access to CPLD of TEM0007
ONOFF01Access to TE0703 CPLD
ONON00Access to FPGA of TEM0007


Jumperrelated netAllowed to set onDescription
J11VCCA pin of voltage level shifter chip ( TXS02612RTWR )3.3VIf this jumper set to 1.8V , SD card will not work.




VCCIOB1.8V / 3.3VThis jumper can be set to 1.8V or 3.3V.


J10VCCIODOnly 1.8VSet to 1.8V


There are one reset push button on the board. Second reset button can be added on the board as optional reset.

 SignalPush buttonFPGA PinSchematic labelNew design labelConnected toAccess on the carrier board viaDescription
RESET (RESIN)S1H7DEVRST_N---TPS3106K33DBV chip RSTVDD Pin / CPLD of TEM0007 via B2B connector (SC_RESET / MR_n)S1This bush button is soldered already on the carrier board. This reset signal does not exist in Libero design. This reset signal resets FPGA via CPLD Firmware of TEM0007 module. By pushing S1 (RESIN) push button will set DEVRST_N to low.
RESETNUser buttonH13B1_GPIO185_NRESETNJM2-Pin 73JB2-pin 74 /  J2C-C4User button does not exist on the carrier board. User button should be soldered by the user himself. (Optional) This button should be pulled up via a 10k resistor.

Boot mode

SD Card

This module supports  SD card boot mode. There is no dip switch to select boot mode. The selection between SD card or other boot mode will be done in HSS. TEM0007 module supports SD card boot mode and JTAG boot mode.


This boot mode does not exist in the reference design. In the future this boot mode can be used in the reference design. 


TEM0007 does not support eMMC boot mode.

Peripheral interfaces


FTDI chip is used in the TEM0007 module for conversion USB to UART/JTAG interfaces. This chip needs driver to put this chip in operation. User does not need additional programmer more.  


USB ConnectorDesignatorConnected toDescription
USB2.0  mini usbJ12FT2232H FTDI ChipThis interface is used to access to UART1 or JTAG interface.
USB2.0 mini usbJ6USB3320C-EZK USB PHY Chip on the TEM0007 moduleIt is used to connect external USB device same as USB Stick.


There is two UART interfaces.

UARTDesign labelFPGA PinSchematic labelConnected toAccess on the carrier board viaInterface forBaud rateDescription
UART0MMUART_0_TXDC2 (TXD)UART_CON_TXJM1-Pin 99JB1-Pin 100 / J2A-Pin 31 (TXD)HSS (Hardware System Service)115200

There is no connector on the TE0703 carrier board PCB REV06. In this case user should connect these pins to USB to JTAG/UART converter same as TE0790. (Crosstalk)

MMUART_0_RXDD3 (RXD)UART_CON_RXJM1-Pin 97JB1-Pin 98 / J2A-Pin 30 (RXD) 

JB1-Pin 86 /
J4 Mini USB connector

Linux console / Bare metal interface115200
MMUART_1_RXDH2 (RXD)UART_RXJM1-Pin  92JB1-Pin 91 /
J4 Mini USB connector

JB2-Pin 35

Optional for customer----This UART interface is an optional UART interface for customer. It is necessary to provide other required features same as design in linux to put this interface in application. 

JB2-Pin 43


JB2-Pin 51

Optional for customer----This UART interface is an optional UART interface for customer. It is necessary to provide other required features same as design in linux to put this interface in application. 

JB2-Pin 37

COREUARTapbCOREUART_TXA7 (TXD)B1_GPIO173_PJM1-Pin 65JB1-Pin 66Additional UART interfaceDepends on system clock frequency.
Baud_rate = clk/(Baudval+1)*16 and  Baudval = (clk/(1+Baudrate)) - 1

This UART interface works via COREUARTapb in Libero.

This UART interface is an optional UART interface for customer. It is necessary to provide other required features same as design in linux to put this interface in application. 

UART4USER_UART4_TXB20 (TXD)B1_GPIO19_PJM2-Pin 46JB2-Pin 45Additional UART interface----

This UART interface is an optional UART interface for customer. It is necessary to provide other required features same as design in linux to put this interface in application.

USER_UART4_RXA21 (RXD)B1_GPIO20_NJM2-Pin 32JB2-Pin 31
USER_UART4_INTA20 (INT)B1_GPIO20_PJM2-Pin 34JB2-Pin 33


I2CFPGA PinSchematic labelNew design labelConnected toAccess on the carrier board viaDescription
I2C0A3 (SCL)I2C_CON_SCLI2C_0_SCLJM1-Pin 95 JB1-Pin 96 (SCL)In the reference design is connected no device on the module or carrier. Therefore in linux cosole exists this interface but by typing i2cdetect command no device will be find.
E3 (SDA)I2C_CON_SDAI2C_0_SDAJM1-Pin 93JB1-Pin 94 (SDA) 
I2C1C1 (SCL)I2C_SCLI2C_1_SCLEEPROM chip U10 SCL pin No AccessIn the reference design is used this i2c to access EEPROM on the TEM0007 module. ( Address 0x50)
 B1 (SDA)I2C_SDAI2C_1_SDAEEPROM chip U10 SDA pinNo Access
USER_I2C0B8 (SCL)B1_GPIO175_NUSER_I2C0_SCLJM1-Pin 62JB1-Pin 61

This additional i2c interface in generated via COREI2C. This I2C interface is an optional i2c interface for customer. It is necessary to provide other required features same as design in linux to put this interface in application. 

A8 (SDA)B1_GPIO175_PUSER_I2C0_SDAJM1-Pin 60JB1-Pin 59
USER_I2C1F10 (SCL)B1_GPIO180_NUSER_I2C1_SCLJM2-Pin 85JB2-Pin 86

This additional i2c interface in generated via COREI2C. This I2C interface is an optional i2c interface for customer. It is necessary to provide other required features same as design in linux to put this interface in application. 

B9 (SDA)B1_GPIO179_NUSER_I2C1_SDAJM1-Pin 68JB1-Pin 67


SignalFPGA PinSchematic labelNew design labelConnected toAccess on the carrier board viaDescription
MAC_0_MDIOJ3ETH_MDIOMAC_0_MDIOEthernet Phy Chip (Marvell 88E1512-A0-NNP2I000)  Pin 8No Access
MAC_0_MDOH6ETH_MDOMAC_0_MDOEthernet Phy Chip (Marvell 88E1512-A0-NNP2I000)  Pin 7No Access


GPIOFPGA PinSchematic labelConnected toAccess on the carrier board viaDescription
GPIO_1_16 ( ETH_PHY_RESET )E5ETH_RSTMarvell 88E1512-A0-NNP2I000 ethernet phy chip reset pin ( Pin 16 RESETn)No Access
GPIO_1_17 ( USB_PHY_RESET )E4OTG-RSTMicrochip USB3320C-EZK USB phy chip reset pin (Pin 27 RESETB)No Access
GPIO_1_20B3GPIO1B2B JM1-Pin 91B2B JB1-Pin 92
GPIO_1_23D4GPIO0B2B JM1-Pin 87B2B JB1-Pin 88
GPIO_2_2D9GPIO174_PJM1-Pin 69JB1-Pin 70
GPIO_2_3D6GPIO168_NJM1-Pin 88JB1-Pin 87
GPIO_2_4C6GPIO171_PJM1-Pin 83JB1-Pin 84
GPIO_2_5H17GPIO8_NJM2-Pin 62JB2-Pin 61
GPIO_2_7B5GPIO170_NJM1-Pin 70JB1-Pin 69
GPIO_2_8C5GPIO170_PJM1-Pin 72JB1-Pin 71
GPIO_2_9C4GPIO169_PJM1-Pin 77JB1-Pin 78
GPIO_2_10F11GPIO181_NJM2-Pin 65JB2-Pin 66
GPIO_2_11F16GPIO11_NJM2-Pin 41JB2-Pin 42
GPIO_2_12D14GPIO2_NJM1-Pin 46JB1-Pin 45
GPIO_2_13E14GPIO9_NJM2-Pin 57JB2-Pin 58
GPIO_2_14B4GPIO169_NJM1-Pin 75JB1-Pin 76
GPIO_2_15G17GPIO8_PJM2-Pin 64JB2-Pin 63

User IOs

InputFPGA PinSchematic labelNew design labelConnected toAccess on the carrier board viaDescription
USER_IN0V19B0_HSIO72_NUSER_IN0JM3-Pin 42JB3-Pin 41
OutputFPGA PinSchematic labelNew design labelConnected toAccess on the carrier board viaDescription


SignalFPGA PinSchematic labelNew design labelConnected toAccess on the carrier board viaDescription
PWME11B1_GPIO183_NUSER_PWM0JM1-Pin 82JB1-Pin 81 / J1C-Pin C4This PWM generator is an optional feature for customer. It is necessary to provide other required features same as design in linux to put PWM generator in application.


Unfortunately on the TEM0007 module exists no LED. But the LEDs on the TE0703 can be used for various purposes. For the no edited CPLD Firmware code of TE0703 the LEDs have the following functions as shown in this table:

LEDPrio. 0: PowerPrio. 1: Module CPLD access*Prio. 2Description
LED1 (D1-red)Blink, if Power Good is lowONFTDI UART RX
LED2 (D2-green)Blink, if Power Good is lowONFTDI UART TX
LED3 (D3-red)OFFONUser defined with B2B Pin JB2-99
LED4 (D4-green)OFFONUser defined with B2B Pin JB2-90
PHY LEDs (green/orange)Blink orange, if Power Good is lowBlink Green and orange-----

*Attention: LED1,2,3,4 are on, if S2-2 is set to OFF. If S2-3 is OFF, TE0703 is in chain!


Table of contents

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